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Chapter Twenty-Five


Sierra’s door swings open moments after I press my finger to the scanner, and I walk in with my arms

overflowing with snacks.

“Raven?” She sits up on the sofa and puts her laptop away, a frown on her face. “What are you

doing here? Shouldn’t you be all loved up with Ares?”

I huff as I sink down on the sofa, and she holds her arms open for me, offering me a hug. I throw

myself into her arms and squeeze tightly, not sure what to say to her.

“That bad, huh?”

I nod and tighten my grip on her. “He’s with her right now.”

Sierra pulls me off her to look me in the eye. “He’s what?”

“He’s having dinner with her tonight.”

“You must be kidding,” she says, her voice terse. “He went for dinner with her a day after you

two got married? What the hell? Where are they?”

“Don’t,” I warn her. “Don’t be crazy today. I’m here because I didn’t want to be alone in the

Hannah Shrine he calls his home. Can we just watch some stupid reality TV show and eat snacks that

I shouldn’t be eating at all?”

Sierra narrows her eyes before she grabs my bag of chips and throws it across the room. “Now is

not the time for snacks, Raven. You spent years loving my brother quietly. You’re his wife now, Rave.

In the Windsor family, that actually means something. All we need to do is make sure Grandma finds

out where he is right now, and I can guarantee he’ll never even attempt to see her again. You’re

Grandma’s eldest daughter-in-law, and there’s no way she’ll allow Ares to mistreat you in any way.”

I hesitate for a moment, wanting to choose the easy road but knowing it isn’t the right thing to do.

“Sierra.” I shake my head. “Let’s not do that, okay? Forcibly keeping him away from her won’t work

in my best interests. He’ll just want to be with her that much more, and the last thing I need is for him

to go behind my back.”

Sierra purses her lips but manages to bite her tongue. “Come with me.”

I sigh as I follow her into her bedroom. I can tell by her terse posture that she’s concocting some

kind of plan, and I’m not sure I should get caught up in any of her nefarious ideas.

“Here.” She holds up a department store bag. “I bought this for you earlier today. I had a feeling

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