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Chapter Twenty-Four


I straighten my tie absentmindedly as I stand in front of the mirror, feeling conflicted. I had that same

dream about Raven again last night, and it really fucked with me. Usually I’d shake it off and remind

myself that I can’t control my subconsciousness, but I haven’t been able to get it off my mind all day,

and I’m feeling so fucking guilty. Especially because I didn’t instantly realise I was no longer

dreaming when I saw her in my bed. I’d been so close to pulling her on top of me, my cock still


Seeing Hannah made me feel even worse.

I’ve loved her for as long as I can remember, yet now I’m married to her sister. It feels like I’ve

betrayed her in the worst way, and the last thing I want to do is lust after Raven too. It’s fucking

insane. Within the span of a few days, my entire life derailed.

“Where are you going?”

I tense at the sound of Raven’s voice and look up, my eyes meeting hers in the mirror. She’s

leaning against the wall next to the door, her arms crossed. Just looking at her has me feeling

conflicted. She looks beautiful in that long silk robe she’s wearing, her long hair draped over her

chest. It’s odd to have her in my home. She fits in so perfectly, yet having her around is disorienting.

I watch as she pushes away from the wall and walks toward me, her hips swaying. I’ve managed

to avoid her for most of the day, locking myself up in my home office instead, but I should’ve known I

couldn’t keep it up.

I turn around to face her and force a smile. “Dinner.”

Raven pauses in front of me and grabs my tie, pulling it loose. “Is that so? With who?”

My heart starts to race as a different sense of guilt washes over me. Guilt toward Raven this time.

“Rave,” I say, my voice soft. She knows exactly who I’m meeting for dinner. She was there this

morning, when Hannah asked to have dinner together and talk things through.

She lets my tie fall to the floor and grabs my collar, her movements betraying her anger. “I hate

this shirt,” she murmurs as her fingers brush over the top button on my shirt.

I swallow hard as Raven slowly unbuttons the blue shirt Hannah once bought me. I watch her

carefully as more and more of my shirt falls open, unsure what to do or say. She’s never touched me

in this way before, yet it feels so right. The possessiveness in her eyes, her touch. This is new

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