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fuck. I’m so fucking sorry.”

“Ares.” Her voice is soft but firm, and I sit up straight to face her. “This isn’t your fault. I admit

that I also didn’t think Hannah truly wouldn’t show up, but it’s done now. We’re married.”

Married. Fuck. This is a complete fucking shitshow. How the fuck did I end up married to my

fiancee’s younger sister? What the fuck? I take a calming breath before tipping my drink back. I need

some fucking liquid courage for this shit.

“Raven, I want you to know that I don’t expect anything from you. All I ask is that we make it look

like we’re giving our marriage an honest chance — in Grandma’s eyes, at least.”

“In Grandma’s eyes,” she repeats, her gaze roaming over my face. “What does that mean?”

I pull my bowtie loose and unbutton the top button on my shirt. “It means we only have to fake it in

her presence. So long as she thinks we’re trying our best to be together, she’ll leave us alone. I’m the

first of my siblings to get married, so I’m not entirely sure what to expect either, but I know my

grandmother. If she thinks we aren’t trying, she’ll come up with all kinds of schemes, and we can’t

have that. You only know Grandma as the sweet old lady she pretends to be in front of you, but she’s

hard to deal with. I love her, but she can be a true nightmare.”

Raven rises to her feet, looking like a complete vision in her white wedding dress. All day I’ve

tried my hardest not to stare at her, but it’s impossible to resist. She looks stunning, and the deep V at

the front of her dress showcases her cleavage beautifully. It feels inappropriate to look at her a

second too long, but I struggle to tear my gaze away. It’s strange that this beautiful woman is now my


“So you want to pretend we’re making our marriage work, and what will you be doing in the


She walks up to me and rests her knee on the sofa, between my legs. Then she leans in and places

her hands on my shoulders. It takes all of me to keep her from finding out how fucking mesmerized I


“Do you intend to fuck my sister while you make me fulfill the terms of our marriage?”

I tense and grit my teeth, surprised by the question and the venom in her voice. “Of course not,” I

snap. “Just what do you think of me, Raven?”

She tightens her grip on my shoulders, anger flashing through her eyes. I’ve never seen her look so

furious. The Raven I used to know was always sweet and patient, but the woman in front of me is

something else entirely.

“I don’t know, Ares. It sounds an awful lot like you’re asking me to pretend to be your wife for

three years, until you can divorce me and go back to my sister. It’s all super convenient for you two,

isn’t it? Hannah runs away, so she doesn’t have to suffer through the limitations this marriage would

impose on her career, and for the next three years, she gets to focus on her acting career while I’m

trapped in this marriage with you. Are you really going to take three years of my life and sacrifice

them for Hannah?”

I take a moment to just look at my wife. She’s hurt, insecure, and angry. Justifiably so. I’m not sure

what I was asking her for, but I do realize I chose the wrong words.

I reach for her and wrap my hands around her waist, startling her. “No,” I tell her. “No. I won’t

sacrifice three years of your life, Raven. What I’m saying is that there are rules we need to abide by,

and faking it in front of Grandma will make both of our lives easier.” I inhale deeply, my mind a

complete fucking mess. “I’m not sure what this marriage will be like for us. I’m not sure where I

stand with Hannah, either. Right now, there’s a lot I don’t know, Rave.”

Raven nods and pulls away, her shoulders drooping. Today has been a hard day for both of us, and

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