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hands tremble.

“Why are you here, Grandma?” I ask, weary. Today has been a complete mess, and I’m not sure

how much more I can take.

“Everything went as I expected today, but I understand that both of you are confused and uncertain

about your future, so I’d like to take the time to ensure you’re familiar with the rules you must abide

by throughout the first three years of your marriage.” She looks at me then. “You might be aware, but

Raven is not.”

“I can—”

“No,” she cuts me off. “It’s best that I explain this myself, and it’s best for both of you to go into

this knowing what is expected of you.”

I sigh and glance at Raven, my heart aching. I can’t imagine how hard today must be for her, and

the last thing I want for her is to be overwhelmed with restrictions and rules.

“Raven,” Grandma says, her voice soft and tender. “In order for Ares to inherit his shares and for

you to inherit your parents’ stake in the company we’ll be merging, there are a few rules you must

abide by. I’m not sure how much you know already, so I’ll explain everything, okay?”

She nods hesitantly.

“One. Ares and you may not spend more than three consecutive nights apart.”

Raven tenses and wraps her arms around herself, looking uncomfortable. I hadn’t given much

thought to anything beyond today, and the idea of us sharing a room seems… strange. I can’t even

imagine what that might be like. While I care for her deeply, we’ve never spent more than a few hours

together, and rarely completely alone.

“Two. When you’re together, you must share a bed. You cannot live separate lives, nor can you

have separate bedrooms.”

I see the way Raven tenses, and I wonder if she’s trying to think of ways around Grandma’s rules.

I suppose she’s about to find out the hard way that grandma is not to be trifled with.

“Three. You must remain married for three years. If, after that time, you decide you truly aren’t

well-suited, you can get a divorce without penalty. However, there has never been a divorce in the

Windsor family, and I have full faith that your marriage will not be an exception.”

Raven glances at me, her gaze unreadable. I always said that I’d never get a divorce, but that was

with Hannah. With Raven? I’m not so sure. Perhaps a divorce is the solution to all our problems.

“Four. You must remain faithful to each other. If either of you cheats on the other, you both lose

everything. You’ll lose your parents’ company, and Ares will lose his inheritance. Family is at the

core of everything we are, everything we’ve built. And your family? It starts with each other.”

Raven nods, a hint of reluctance in her expression. Surely she didn’t think I’d allow her to fuck

around while she carries my name? I clench my jaw and look away. Everything about this marriage is

a clusterfuck.

“The fifth and final rule is that you must give your marriage an honest chance. Be open to this

working out for both of you.”

Grandma looks between the two of us, a sweet smile on her face. It’s odd how genuinely sweet

she looks while she’s got both of our lives in an iron grip. “Don’t cling to the lives you had before

marriage. Give each other an honest chance, and in three years, I’ll sign the paperwork declaring the

company jointly yours, making the two of you the owners of this country’s largest media company.

You’ll be handed your inheritance too, Ares.” She pauses, her gaze moving between the both of us. “I

know this is all very sudden, so for the next four weeks, I will relieve you from all family obligations.

You won’t need to attend family dinners or charity events. All I want you to do for now is focus on

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