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bated breath. Did she change her mind? Surely Hannah won’t throw away years of planning a future

together, years of carefully nurturing our love?

I inhale sharply when Raven appears at the end of the aisle, on her father’s arm. She pauses midstep,

her eyes finding mine, and I force myself to smile at her.

Raven Du Pont. Never in a million years did I think I’d find her walking toward me, wearing a

wedding dress that looks beautiful on her, but that wasn’t designed for her. What must it feel like to

walk in her sister’s shoes? Nothing about today is hers, not even the man she’s marrying.

Arthur smiles at me despite his grave expression and places Raven’s trembling hand in mine. I

wrap my fingers around her hand and hold on to her tightly, my eyes trailing over her face. She’s

shaking, and her gaze is filled with fear and insecurity as the officiant starts the ceremony.

“We are gathered here today to witness the union of Raven Du Pont and Ares Windsor,” he says,

and we both breathe a sigh of relief.

It hadn’t occurred to me to notify him of a change in the bride’s name. I can’t imagine how

humiliating it would’ve been for both of us if he’d said Hannah’s name.

I tighten my grip on Raven’s hand and draw circles across the back of it with my thumb, trying my

best to ease her nerves somehow. “Raven,” I whisper.

She looks up sharply, her eyes meeting mine.

“You look breathtaking.”

Some of the tension in her shoulders eases, and she smiles at me, genuinely this time. I can’t

believe I’m marrying Raven. She’s my sister’s best friend and my ex’s younger sister. She isn’t

supposed to be standing here with me in a wedding dress.

Yet here we are. This is it for us. The Windsors don’t do divorces. How much has she had to

sacrifice to be here with me? How much more will this marriage cost us?

The officiant tells us to exchange rings, and I cringe involuntarily. The wedding ring Zane is

handing me is one that Hannah chose.

Raven looks up at me with such pain in her eyes as I slide the thin pave diamond ring onto her

fingers that I struggle to breathe for a moment. It fits her perfectly, yet it feels so wrong.

Her hands shake as she slides my platinum band onto my finger, and she doesn’t even look me in

the eye. It’s clear that everything about today is heartbreaking for her, and there’s nothing I can do to

make it better.

“You may now kiss the bride,” the officiant says, and Raven freezes.

I take a step closer to her and gently cup her cheek before dropping my forehead to hers. “This is

it,” I whisper. “From this moment forward, you’re my wife. Mine to care for, mine to cherish, and

mine to protect. I know this isn’t what you would’ve wanted for yourself, but I swear I’ll give you my

all, Raven.”

She pulls away a little to look at me, and then she nods, a small smile on her face. I smirk at her

as I lean in, my lips brushing against hers. It was meant to be a chaste kiss, just enough to please the

crowd, but the moment my lips touch hers, all my good intentions fall away.

I thread my hand through her long hair and yank her closer, taking her lips with a new sense of

desperation. She moans, and I force her lips apart, deepening our kiss. It’s a promise of everything to

come. She’s my wife now, and I have every intention of treating her as such. This kiss is a vow, it’s

reassurance. From this day forward, I’m hers. It isn’t what I wanted, but we’ll make the best of it.

Her cheeks are flushed and her lipstick is smeared when I pull away, and I can’t help but smile at

her disarmed expression, a hint of lust hiding in her beautiful hazel eyes.

“Mr. and Mrs. Windsor, everyone!” the officiant says, and we turn to face the cheering crowd.

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