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house. Perhaps it would have been better to take her to the main living room, but I'm not certain our

conversation would be private there.

I lead her to my home, suddenly seeing it through fresh eyes. Hannah designed and decorated most

of this throughout the years, both of us expecting to live here together someday. I wonder what Raven

thinks of it. Does she like the monochrome theme Hannah went with? I can't imagine what it must be

like to even entertain the thought of having to live your sister's life.

"Can I offer you a drink?" I ask as she sits down on my white leather sofa, the same one she and I

fell asleep on just a few weeks ago.

Raven shakes her head and looks up at me questioningly. "I'm okay," she says. "What is it you

want to talk about?"

I sit down next to her and turn to face her. "You know exactly what I need to talk to you about,

Raven. We can neither avoid nor ignore this for much longer."

She looks down, trying her best to hide her distress from me. "Ares," she whispers, her voice


I can't stand seeing that torment in her demeanor. I hate knowing that I played a role in the pain

she's feeling, and it kills me to know that from here on out, I will only break her heart more.

"I'll speak to her," she promises, but I shake my head and grab her hand.

"You know that won't make a difference. Don't you think I've tried?"

Her eyes drop to our joined hands and she pulls her hand out of mine, cradling it as though she

can't bear my touch.

"We have to try again,” she tells me. Raven lifts her face to look at me, and her expression guts

me. She looks so hopeless, so heartbroken. Does the thought of marrying me hurt that much?

"Cupcake," I whisper. "We are out of time and out of options. I know this isn't what you want, and

never in a million years did I expect we would find ourselves in this situation… But here we are.

Neither one of us can walk away from this, so aren't we better off facing this together?"

She looks into my eyes, her expression torn. "Ares," she says, "I can't marry you. I can't. How

could you possibly even entertain that idea when you’ve been in love with my sister for as long as I

can remember? How could you consider making me your wife when the only woman you'll ever want

is Hannah?"

I look into her eyes, unsure how to answer her. She's right. Even as I sit here with her, my heart

aches at the thought of Hannah and everything I thought we’d have together.

“Raven,” I murmur. “It’s an arranged marriage. So long as there’s affection and respect, we’ll be

fine. We’ve been friends for years, haven’t we? What better foundation could we ask for?”

She huffs and looks away. “Ares, I want love. Real love. I want a happy marriage and a faithful

husband. Can you give me that?”

I study the contours of her face. Her cute nose and her sharp jaw. She’s refusing to face me

because she fears what my answer will be, and I wish things could be different between us. If I could

go back in time, would I still make the choices I made?

“Yes,” I tell her. “I can’t guarantee that I’ll make you happy, but I swear to try. As for being a

faithful husband? Yes, Raven. I’m surprised you even feel the need to ask. From the moment you

become my wife, I swear to be faithful to you.”

She turns to face me, her brows raised. “That’s easy for you to say now that you’re trying to

coerce me into this marriage, but what will that look like in practise, Ares? Will you be able to stay

away from Hannah?”

I clench my jaw and nod. “Yes, Raven. I would never cheat on my wife. I may be imperfect, but

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