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what’s going on, Grandma Anne, but this must be some kind of misunderstanding. How about I speak

to Hannah?”

She shakes her head. “Even if she were to change her mind, I’m no longer willing to welcome her

into our family. The woman I wanted Ares to marry has always been you, and perhaps this is just

life’s way of allowing me to correct my mistake before it was too late. The wedding will go ahead,

and the bride must be you.”

I glance at my parents, but neither of them can face me. This… this can’t be real. “Does Ares


Grandma Anne nods. “He’s been informed. The Windsors have a history of successful arranged

marriages, and he’s well aware of that. He knows what is expected of him.”

I frown, my stomach churning. What exactly is going on? Hannah never even told me she’d ended

things with Ares again, and now I’m being informed that I’m marrying him in her stead? This is

ridiculous, and there’s no way either Hannah or Ares would accept this.

I rise from my seat and walk toward the door, my thoughts reeling. I need some time to think, to

speak to Hannah and Ares. I’m sure it’s a mere misunderstanding that’s resulted in Grandma’s radical


“Raven.” Grandma’s voice stops me in my tracks just as I wrap my hand around the doorknob.

“Your efforts will be futile. Should you wish for this merger to proceed, you’ll have to do your part.

You will have to marry Ares.”

I glance back at her, noting the determination in her eyes. I nod politely before I walk out, her

words resounding in my mind. Grandma is the sweetest woman I know, but once she’s made up her

mind, there’s no changing it. She rules the Windsor family with an iron fist.

I’m absentminded as I walk through the house, unsure of what to even think. “Sweetheart!”

I turn at the sound of my father’s voice and find him walking toward me, an apologetic expression

on his face. “I’m sorry to overwhelm you with this so suddenly. The Windsors only just informed us

of this change. I wish I could’ve broken the news to you differently.”

I nod as he falls into step with me. “This… Dad, you do realize that this is ridiculous, right? Ares

and Hannah love each other.”

Dad shakes his head. “I’m not sure that’s enough anymore. Now that they’ve decided that they’ll

no longer accept her as Ares’s wife, love can’t save them. She made her choice, Rave.”

I pause in the hallway and turn toward him. “She made her choice, but I’m the one who has to pay

the price.”

Dad inhales deeply, a hint of reluctance in his gaze. “I’m sorry, Raven. They won’t change their

minds. This deal always entailed a marriage between Ares and you. The only reason they made an

exception is because Hannah fell in love with him. She lifted the burden you were meant to carry, but

it was always yours.”

My heart twists painfully, and I shake my head. “If I was always meant to marry him, she

should’ve stayed away from him. You can’t expect me to marry my sister’s ex, Dad. You can’t do this

to me. Do you understand how messed up this is? You can’t condemn me to a marriage with someone

who is in love with my sister.”

Dad inhales shakily and looks to the side. “I’m sorry, Raven, but you have no choice. Throughout

the years, we’ve relied a lot on the Windsors. If this merger were to fall through, it’d mean

bankruptcy for us. If you want to keep your company and the investment funds I promised you, you’ll

marry him.”

My eyes widen as disillusionment washes over me. “Are you threatening me?”

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