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Chapter Fifteen


A hint of unease runs down my spine as I walk into my parents’ house. Mom was vague on the phone,

and the way she spoke to me made me uncomfortable. She was too sweet, too soft-spoken. I’m not

sure what it is she wants, but I’m sure it won’t bode well for me.

My suspicions are confirmed when I find my parents in the sitting room, Grandma Anne seated

opposite them, their expressions tense.

“Raven,” my mother says. She exhales in relief as I walk toward her and pats the seat next to her.

I’m hesitant as I sit down, unable to read the room. What exactly is going on here? Wedding drama,

perhaps? Did I mess something up with the preparations?

Grandma Anne smiles at me reassuringly, but I can’t calm my racing heart. It’s as though every

instinct is telling me that something is wrong, and it has everything to do with me.

“Hannah and Ares ended their engagement,” Grandma Anne says. “She wants to focus on her

career for a bit longer, and as such, she has chosen to end their relationship.”

I blink in disbelief. She… what? I clear my throat and turn to look at my parents, but their grave

expressions tell me this isn’t a joke.

“I… are we… are we rescheduling the wedding?” I ask, confused. Hannah has postponed the

wedding three times so far, so this doesn’t exactly surprise me, but it’s definitely really late notice.

Most things, including the venue, I won’t be able to cancel without penalty.

Grandma Anne shakes her head. “We won’t cancel the wedding. This marriage is long overdue,

and it was always meant to be an arranged marriage.” She looks at my parents pointedly. “We’ve let

these youngsters run wild, and now we’re paying the price. It’s best to get things back on track as

soon as we can.”

Mom and Dad turn to me, their expressions grim. “You have to marry Ares,” Mom says.

A nervous laugh escapes my lips, and Dad clenches his jaw. They can’t be serious, can he?

“Mom,” I murmur. “Is this some kind of joke? Hannah and Ares have postponed their marriage

several times. This isn’t something new. We’ll handle it.”

Grandma Anne smiles at me and shakes her head. “This is not a joke, sweetheart. I will no longer

accept Hannah into our family. If this merger is to proceed, the bride must be you.”

I run a hand through my hair, confused. “Have you spoken to Hannah and Ares? I’m not sure

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