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Chapter Fourteen


Lex, Luca and Zane stare at me, none of them sure what to say. That’s not what gets me, though. It’s the

fact that Dion is sitting opposite me in my living room. It’s rare for all five of us to be together, since

Dion lives in London. The fact that he flew here overnight means they’re worried about me.

“What is this shit about you two breaking up a week before the wedding?” Dion asks eventually.

“You’re supposed to be the lucky one out of us, dickhead. You’re the only one of us that actually gets

to marry the person you love, and you pull this bullshit.”

I run a hand through my hair and look up at the ceiling. “It’s not like I wanted to, Dion. I’m as

surprised as you are. I knew we had our issues, but what couple doesn’t? I didn’t expect her to call

off the wedding for real.”

Luca groans and shoves against Dion’s shoulder. “You fucking suck at this consolation shit. Why

did any of us think you were going to be our best bet?” He looks at Lexington and nods. “You try, Lex.

Put that PhD of yours to good use.”

Lex frown at Luca and shakes his head. “I have a PhD in robotics. What am I supposed to do?

Build him a robot fiancee?”

Zane bursts out laughing. “I bet the robot would still have more character than Hannah ever did.

Don’t tell me any of you are actually upset they broke up? Fuck this love match bullshit, because

when it comes to Ares, love clearly is fucking blind.”

I shake my head and lift my whiskey glass to my lips. “Thanks guys,” I tell them. “I feel so much

better now.”

My brothers chuckle amongst themselves, and it hits me then. They’re concerned about me, but the

relief in the air is palpable. My brothers aren’t upset that Hannah and I broke things off. They’re just

concerned because I’m hurting.

“Did you guys truly not like her, or are you just trying to make me feel better?”

They glance at each other, and Lex and Zane elbow each other, as though they’re both indicating

for the other to speak. In the end, it’s Dion who speaks up.

“It’s not that we don’t like her, Ares. It’s just that she clearly wasn’t the one for you. Hannah is a

diva, and some guys are really into that, but you aren’t one of them. We all saw how it killed you to

have to cater to her at every turn, never getting much in return. She wouldn’t even publicly

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