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you to start prioritizing my family and me.”

“This is such bullshit, Ares. Why can’t you just be more understanding? Why do you bring up our

relationship being a secret every single time, anyway? How come you can’t understand my need to

keep my private life private?”

Why is it that every time I try to talk to her about the way she lets me down, the situation gets

turned around and I end up being the villain?

“Han, I can’t do this again. Let’s just not talk about this, okay? I need to go anyway, or I’ll be late

for dinner.”


I let my eyes fall closed as I end the call, unsure how we even got here. Things used to be so good

between us when we were younger. I’d blame the fame, but it hasn’t changed Raven.

I’m in a shit mood as I walk through my home and toward the main house, where my grandmother

lives. Family dinner has always been the highlight of my week, and Hannah used to love it just as

much. When did that change? When did she stop caring about being a member of this family?

I pause in surprise when I see Raven sitting at the long table, right next to Sierra, Lex on her other

side. They’re joking and laughing, and a deep sense of longing hits me right in the chest.

She’s been ignoring me lately, her replies short whenever I text her. I’m not sure what’s going on

with her, but I suspect she’s embarrassed about how she acted when she got drunk. I wish I could

convince her that it didn’t matter to me, that it changed nothing.

Sierra says something to her, and she bursts out laughing. It’s hard to explain, but seeing Raven

sitting there fills me with a strange kind of jealousy. This… this is what I wanted with Hannah. I

wanted her to be part of this family, to laugh with my siblings.

“Ares. Come take a seat,” Zane calls. I tear my gaze off Raven and walk toward my usual seat

between Zane and Luca.

“I’m fucking starving,” Zane says, glaring at me. “What took you so long?”

“Probably arguing with Hannah again,” Luca adds.

“Boys!” Grandma shouts.

I glance over at her. Grandma is seated at the head of the table, as usual. She’s the glue that keeps

us all together, and I hate that I’m letting her down. Ever since our parents died in a plane crash

fifteen years ago, she’s taken on both of their roles. I know it isn’t easy for her, but she does her best

and she gives us her all. She doesn’t ask much of me, yet I continue to fail her.

Grandma smiles at me, but I see the disappointment in her eyes. I know she’d been planning to

talk over some wedding details with Hannah tonight, and I can’t think of one valid excuse for her

absence that I haven’t already used before.

“You’re late, sweetheart,” Grandma says, and I nod in apology. We never start eating until we’re

all here, so I kept them waiting.

“Let’s dig in,” I say, indicating that Hannah truly isn’t coming, and Grandma purses her lips as she

nods in agreement.

My brothers don’t hesitate for a moment, but what surprises me is that Lexington isn’t serving

himself first, like he usually would. No, he’s filling Raven’s plate while Sierra looks on gleefully. I

stare at them, my eyes moving between them as a sinking feeling settles in my stomach. Something is

definitely up between them, and I don’t like it one fucking bit.

“Ares,” Grandma says, and I force myself to look away from Lex and Raven. Much to my

surprise, Grandma doesn’t look angry. Instead, she looks curious. “I take it Hannah couldn’t make it?”

I nod, ready to be lectured about the value of family and the importance of our weekly dinners, but

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