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time good for her when I’m this fucking desperate for her pussy?

“I was going to be patient with you,” I murmur as I press my fingers against her g-spot, making her

moan, “but you’re driving me fucking crazy, baby, and you know it, don’t you?”

I circle her clit with my thumb while my fingers press against her g-spot, my touch rough and


“Ares,” she begs. “Oh God, Ares.”

The way she moans… goddamn. I could come to the mere sound of her. Raven’s lips fall open,

and she looks into my eyes as pure pleasure rocks her body, her pussy clamping down on my fingers

viciously. “Ares,” she moans as she comes from me, and it’s the most beautiful fucking sight I’ve ever

seen. One hit, and I’m a fucking addict. It’s insane to know she’s going to be mine for the rest of our


I watch her as she comes down from her high, the sweetest fucking smile on her face. “You’re so

beautiful,” I whisper. “Did you know I was completely enamored the moment you walked in today?”

Her eyes widen, and I smirk as I line my cock up against her. “Look at me. Tell me you want this,

Raven. I don’t… I don’t want to take your virginity if you aren’t sure. You and I… our futures are

entwined for the rest of our lives, but we aren’t married yet.” I meant to tell her I’d understand if she

wanted a life of her own before she’s tied down to me, but I can’t fucking say the words. I can’t. I

want to be her first and only.

“You’ll always be the only one I’ll ever want,” she promises me, and I push into her slowly.

Raven groans, her eyes widening as she adjusts to my size. “It hurts,” she whispers. “Just… do it

quickly, please.”

I bite down on my lip harshly as I push all the way into her, a pained groan escaping her lips as I

fill her to the hilt. “So fucking good,” I moan, my forehead falling to hers. Her pussy is like a hot, soft

vice, enveloping my cock perfectly. I hold as still as I can to give her a chance to get used to me. I’m

too scared to move, to hurt her.

I pull away from her a little to look at her, holding myself up on one arm while my free hand

traces over her face. “Marry me,” I whisper. “I know my grandmother and your parents have already

agreed on it, but you and I have never spoken about it. Raven, will you marry me?”

“Ares,” she whispers. Her voice sounds further away than it should, and I groan.

“No,” I beg, not wanting this to end yet unable to keep myself in this dream. “Fuck!”


I sit up with a shock and look around my bedroom, my eyes landing on my grandmother. She’s

standing by my bed, her arms crossed.

“You were late for our standing breakfast date,” she remarks. “You’re never late, so I came to

check up on you.”

I grab my phone and frown. I slept through all of my alarms. How? Fucking hell. “I’m sorry,

Grams,” I tell her. “Give me a moment to get ready, okay? I’ll meet you downstairs.”

She stares at me for a moment, but then she nods and turns to walk away. I fall back onto my bed

the moment the door closes behind her and brush my hand over my face.


This fucking dream again. It’s tormented me for years now. I might not remember much of Sierra’s

21 st birthday, but I remember the morning after. It wasn’t Raven I woke up to. It was Hannah.

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