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She smiles at me. “Should I find someone else’s lap to sit in? Maybe I should’ve gone home with

John, after all.”

“John? Your agent went out with you?”

She nods. “I should’ve let him take me home.”

“And what would’ve happened if he had, Rave?” I ask, fearing her answer.

“I don’t know. I guess I’d get some good orgasms and a great fuck out of it.”

I let go of her dress and let it pool around her waist as I wrap my hand into her hair, tightening my

grip on it as I bring her face closer. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Rave? You’ve been prim and

proper all your fucking life, and now you suddenly want to get laid? What the fuck is going on?”

She smiles and slides her hands underneath my t-shirt, her fingers grazing over my abs. “I asked

for your t-shirt, Ares. I didn’t ask you to fuck me… though, based on how hard you are, I suspect you

want to.”

“If I give you my t-shirt, will you go to bed?”

She nods.

“Fine. Fine, Rave. I’ll give you my t-shirt, but this ends here, okay? Stop provoking me. I don’t

know what’s gotten into you, but every bit of this is inappropriate, and knowing you, you’re going to

regret this tomorrow morning.”

Raven smirks as she grabs her dress and pulls it over her head, letting it fall to the floor. “Fuck.

You’re fucking naked. Why the fuck aren’t you wearing any underwear, Raven? Fuck. This… this

isn’t…” this is wrong on so many accounts. I can’t have my fiancée’s sister naked in my lap. What the

fuck am I doing?

“I don’t like underwear,” she says simply. My gaze roams over her perfect body and I groan

loudly, my cock throbbing. I’m trying my hardest to control my thoughts, but fuck. She’s so fucking

beautiful. Her nipples are dark and hard, in perfect contrast with her skin. Every inch of her is

beautiful, even those long legs she’s straddling me with. Then there’s her bare pussy, sitting right on

top of my cock. Fuck.

I tear my gaze off her and wrap my fingers around the edge of my t-shirt, pulling it up and over my

head in one smooth motion. “Come on,” I tell her. “Put this on.”

She holds her arms up for me, and I sigh as I pull it over her head before pulling her hands

through, trying my hardest not to touch her unnecessarily.

“Bed time,” I warn her.

She looks disappointed but nods. “Does no part of you want me even a little?” Her voice is soft,

pleading, and her eyes are filled with an emotion I can’t quite describe.

“No,” I lie to her. “The friction from you moving on top of me made me hard, yeah, but I don’t

want you, Raven. I’ll never want you. I’m not sure what you’re thinking, but you need to stop. Do you

know how much your actions tonight would hurt your sister? Fuck, it’s hurting me, Rave.”

She freezes and nods as she turns her face away from me. My heart fucking drops when a tear runs

down her cheek, and I instantly regret my words.

She sniffs, and my heart shatters. “Fuck, Cupcake. I’m so fucking sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it,

not at all.”

“No,” she says, rising to her knees. “I’m sorry, Ares. I just… I thought… I’m sorry. I-I… I need to


I grab her waist and pull her back to me, my arms wrapping around her as I cup the back of her

head and push her face into my neck. “You’re not going anywhere, Cupcake. Not tonight. It’s okay,

Rave. We’ve all had our messy drunken nights, and this is no different. I’m sorry.”

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