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She giggles and rests her head against my chest as I carry her to the sofa. The way she looks up at

me… there’s no hatred in her eyes now, but in the car I was certain that’s exactly what I saw.

“Why are you two so mad at me today?”

I place her on the sofa carefully, and she shakes her head. “Secret.”

“Since when do you keep secrets from me?”

Raven laughs, the sound melodious. “I’ve kept secrets from you for years.”

“Oh yeah? Tell me one.”

Her eyes roam over my body, pausing on the gray sweatpants I’m wearing. “Every time I see you

wearing those, I wonder what they’d look like if your dick is hard. Would I be able to see every


My eyes widen, and I cough nervously. That is not what I expected her to say. “You what?”

Raven merely shrugs and bends over to take off her shoes, giving me a clear view of her breasts.

She’s not wearing a bra. Fuck. Did she go out like that? Silas’s bodyguards better have done their

goddamn job, so help me God.

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to,” she singsongs.

I look away and clear my throat. “I’m going to check up on Sierra,” I tell her, before escaping in

the same direction my sister disappeared in. My heart races all the way to the kitchen. Raven has

never once acted inappropriately with me. She’s never even given me an sign that she sees me as a

man at all. What the fuck? What’s with the sweatpants comment?

“Sierra?” I call.

I sigh when I find my sister asleep on my kitchen floor, clutching a block of cheese that she’s

clearly taken a big bite out of. What’s wrong with both of my girls tonight?

My thoughts are whirling as I carry Sierra to my bedroom. Even in her sleep, she’s mumbling that

she hates me. What in the hell have I done to earn their ire? I try to think back to anything I may have

done or said in the last few days and come up blank.

I carefully put Sierra in my bed and tuck her in before heading back to the living room, my steps

hesitant. I’ve always been so comfortable around Raven, but tonight I’m nervous.


I find her sitting on the sofa, her legs crossed. She looks up at the sound of my voice and smiles.

“Ares.” The way she says my name has always been different. It’s always been sexy, but even more

so tonight.

She pats the seat next to her, and I shake my head. “Let’s get you into bed, sweetheart.”

“No,” she says, her expression petulant. “Come sit.”

I sigh as I do as she asks. “What’s up, Rave? Why do you seem so upset tonight? Why does Sierra

insist that she hates me?”

She looks at me and tilts her head, clearly drunk. “You wanna know?”

I nod, and she smirks as she draws her knees up before turning toward me. Before I realize what’s

going on, Raven climbs onto my lap and places her hands on my shoulders, straddling me.

I groan softly at the feel of her ass on my thighs and wrap my hands around her waist. “What are

you doing, Cupcake?”

“I want to sit here, Ares.”

“You can’t.”

“I know, but I’m going to do it anyway.”

“Raven, how much did you drink today?”

She pulls herself closer, and I grit my teeth. She’s sitting right on top of my cock, and though I’m

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