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Chapter Sixty-Nine


I walk through the home Ares and I built, my heart heavy. There’s no trace of Hannah left — our

cleaners ensured it. Yet I can still feel her here. I wonder if the scars she left will ever fade.

I’m trembling as I sit down on the sofa, still reeling from the news that was released about her.

Countless affairs, and irrefutable proof that the child she’s carrying is not Ares’s. Climbing her way

to the top like that… I never would have expected that. I can’t wrap my mind around it. It’s like I

never really knew her at all, and it makes me feel even worse for sacrificing so much for her.

I feel like an idiot, and I’m ashamed of my subservience. I catered to her all our lives, feeling

guilty for having had the childhood she’s always wanted, when it was obvious that she lacked for


She’s always had this way of making me feel inferior, and if not for Ares, I never would’ve been

able to untangle myself from her web. I don’t even dare think about what would have happened if she

hadn’t walked away from her engagement. Ares and I would both still be unhappy, secretly pining

after each other. I felt so guilty for wanting him, when it’s her that should’ve felt remorse for the way

she manipulated us both.

“Mrs. Windsor.”

I look up at the guard standing in the doorway and tip my head in question.

“Your mother is here to see you. Mr. Windsor instructed us not to let any of your family members

in without your express permission. What would you like me to do?”

I hesitate for a moment before nodding. “Send her in.”

I sit back as I wait for my mother, a dull ache spreading from my heart. In the week I spent with

Silas and Alanna, I’ve thought about her a lot. Hannah isn’t the only one I’ve been making excuses for.

“Raven,” Mom says, a hint of panic in her voice. I frown as I take her in. Her clothes are

wrinkled, and her hair looks disheveled. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my mother look anything short of

perfect. Despite her age, she still conducts herself as the popular actress she used to be.

“What can I do for you, Mom?”

She approaches me with fury blazing through her eyes. “How could you be sitting here so quietly

when there are countless rumors circulating about your sister? I can’t leave Dreamessence to you if

you can’t even handle a PR crisis.”

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