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she’s always been blinded to Hannah’s flaws, but I wasn’t. I fucking failed her.

“Sincerely apologize to Raven, and I’ll let you get away with everything you put her through if she

asks me to — and she will, because despite everything, she loves you.”

Hannah laughs. “Why would I do that? I haven’t done anything to her. She’s the one who decided

to run off because she couldn’t take the media’s pressure. I would never have done that to you. I’d

have weathered any storm with you.”

I shake my head at her. “She was willing to help me raise a child that isn’t hers, Hannah. Her

leaving had nothing to do with me — it had everything to do with you. I would never ask my wife to

settle for less than she deserves, but this wasn’t about her not wanting to weather storms with me. It

was about her refusing to be torn down by her own sister for the rest of her life. It was her taking

away the power you thought you had over her, and taking some time to think about what her

boundaries are. I, for one, respect the hell out of her for being able to do what so many of us won’t. I

know I stuck around for far longer than I ever should have just because I thought it was the right thing

to do, haven’t you?”

She looks away and shakes her head. “I truly do love you, Ares.”

I laugh. I can’t help it. “Hannah, you don’t love anyone but yourself. And I? I don’t think I ever

truly loved you at all either.”

I pause to look at her for a moment, wishing things could’ve turned out differently, even if only for

Raven’s sake. “If you won’t apologize to Raven, then don’t blame me for the consequences.”

She crosses her arms and smirks at me. “I won’t,” she says, one brow raised. She truly thinks

she’s got the upper hand, doesn’t she? I suppose she forgot who I am throughout the years. I allowed

her to, because the version of myself that I showed her was never the real me.

“Fine,” I tell her as I grab my phone, giving my team the okay to publish the materials we

prepared. I smirk as her phone starts to buzz. Within seconds, every large media outlet starts to cover

the rise of her career, and every single person she slept with on the way to the top. It took me a couple

of days to prepare it all, but it was well worth it.

“Did you truly believe I didn’t know about the affairs? The men you’d cheat with on set?” I

chuckle. “I knew. I just didn’t give a fuck.”

I tip my head toward her phone. “I hope you enjoy the experience you gave your sister. Perhaps

now, for once, you might understand what you put her through.”

I turn to walk away. “Oh, and Hannah? You will never work in the entertainment industry again.

Anyone who so much as attempts to hire you is going to pay the price. I want you out of my wife’s

sight — I don’t want her to see a single commercial, no video coverage, nothing. I’m pulling every

movie I funded for you from every channel it’s streaming on. I don’t want her faced with even one

single reminder of everything you put her through. You can disappear quietly, or I can make it happen

forcibly. For the sake of the child you’re carrying, I suggest you think before you act.”

“Ares!” she shouts, but I ignore her pleas and walk away from her, for the very last time.

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