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Silas groans when the doorbell rings, his eyes finding Alanna’s. “How much do you want to bet

that we’re about to find more Windsors on our doorstep?”

She grins at him and shrugs. “I’d be disappointed if they didn’t show up, Si. Raven deserves to be

part of a family that’ll love her the way her own won’t. Let’s see if the Windsors deserve her or not.”

Silas sighs and smiles at her indulgently. “Ten paper cranes,” he tells her. “That’s what you’ll

owe me if you make me host more Windsors.”

Alanna wraps her arm around me and nods. “I’ll give you fifteen.”

Sierra rests her head against my shoulder, her expression as crestfallen as mine. For once, she

hasn’t tried to give me hope, nor has she been lost in fairytales of her own making. She’s been as

quiet as I have been, neither of us sure of what the future might bring. I know she’s been reading up on

all the news about me too, and it hurts her just as much as it hurts me.

Silas looks grim as he leads Lex, Luca and Zane into the living room, Valentina following a few

steps behind them. Silas shoots his wife a look, and she grins back at him reassuringly.

Alanna strokes my hair and smiles at me. “They were really worried about you. Each and every

one of them called me, one by one. Since we’re in charge of the Windsor family’s security, it didn’t

feel right to keep them in the dark. I didn’t tell Ares where you are, but I couldn’t hide it from them.

Valentina called me, in tears, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her cry before.”

Lex wraps his arm around me and squeezes tightly, and then Luca does the same. Zane musses my

hair, his eyes filled with worry. “You okay?” Luca asks as they all sit down at the dining table.

Valentina grabs my hand in both of hers, her eyes red. I didn’t expect to see her here, but I

should’ve known she’d be there for me, even if it means facing Luca. “I saw the articles. Oh, Rave,

what do we do? Should we make a statement? Grandma Anne instructed us to keep our silence,

because she’s concerned about the baby and Hannah’s health. But I… I don’t know. That doesn’t seem

right to me.”

I shake my head. “It’s why I left, Val. I knew I couldn’t stay there without arguing with her, and I

know that would threaten her and the baby’s health. I can’t go back home until I’m in a better state of

mind. It’s just that… once I go back, how long will it take before she gets to me again? Even if she

doesn’t, how long will I be able to withstand the media harassment?”

I run a hand through my hair, distraught. I was so close to having everything I’ve ever wanted, but

I should’ve known better. Each time I find a semblance of happiness, it’s yanked right out of my


Lexington holds up his hand. “Shh,” he murmurs. “Ares is calling.”

He picks up the phone and smiles. “Yeah, I heard from her, and she told me she’s fine. She’s safe.

No. I don’t know where she is. Haven’t you instructed the security team to find her?” He nods to

himself. “How could they not have found her yet?” he asks, his concern clearly fake. “Okay, well, I’ll

keep an eye out.”

Lex ends the call and puts his phone down with a sigh. “I know he promised you a week, but I

don’t think he’ll last that long. What are you going to do?”

I stare at the people that have become the family I never had. “I don’t know,” I tell them honestly.

“I feel like a coward for running away, for giving in.”

“Nah,” Luca says, holding his hand up. “Let’s normalize walking away from toxic situations. You

don’t have to stick it out when your mental health is taking a beating, just because that’s what

everyone expects of you. It’s okay to reassess and decide whether or not a situation is still acceptable

to you. You were never given a choice when it came to Ares, but you deserve one. Take your time,

Raven. We’re all here for you, and regardless of your choice, you’ll never lose us. You will always

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