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shouldn’t that be enough? Am I being selfish?”

“No,” Sierra says. “I wish it was simpler, Rave, but it isn’t just Ares you need to consider

anymore. Whether we like it or not, Hannah will now always be a part of your life, of your marriage.

If anything, taking some time to think about whether you can accept that is the fairest thing you can do.

Isn’t that better than breaking Ares’s heart down the line? Especially once a child is involved. What if

they become attached to you, and then you decide you can’t stand being around them after all?”

I nod and lean back, my thoughts reeling. For at least the next few months, I’ll have to endure

endless gossip and snide remarks in the industry, and that’s only just the beginning. How much more

will I have to take if I choose to stay with Ares? What kind of environment are we creating for Ares

and Hannah’s child? No matter how I look at it, me staying results in all of us being unhappy.

Eventually, it’ll make the love between Ares and me dim too.

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