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I once was.”

Alanna rubs my shoulders, her gaze reflecting the sorrow I feel. “Silas and I can tell you a thing or

two about meddling siblings and family,” she says, her eyes finding her husband’s. I freeze for a

moment, remembering that Alanna used to date Silas’s younger brother. “Trust me when I say that love

truly does win in the end. I know that it feels hard right now, and you’ve made the right choice by

taking a step back. Being stuck in that environment makes it hard to remember why you chose to marry

him in the first place, despite the odds. I think you’ll find that some time away will give you clarity,


She looks at Silas. “Can we get the articles bashing her taken down?”

“I was going to request it, but someone has already taken care of it. Whole servers have been

taken down all around the world. The news is reporting that at least two large social media channels

are completely down right now. I suspect Windsor is behind it. I’m not sure how he’s doing it, but it’s

clear he’ll move heaven and earth for his wife.”

Alanna smiles at me and shoots me an encouraging look. “See? I know it’s hard right now, but that

man loves you more than anything. I can’t tell you whether that’s enough to make dealing with Hannah

worth it, though. I always hated the bitch. I’d gut her if I thought I’d get away with it.”

I smile despite my tears and shake my head. “You really are insane, aren’t you?”

“Psychotic,” Silas murmurs under his breath.

The doorbell rings, and I tense. I came here because I wanted to escape for a while, not just from

the media, but from my family. It should be the one place no one would come searching for me. Silas

and Alanna’s house is a fortress.

Silas frowns as he walks to the front door. I hear him groan in annoyance, followed by Sierra’s

voice. She rushes into the living room, and Alanna smiles knowingly as she shifts on the sofa, making


“I figured you’d be here. Are you okay?” Sierra asks. “I saw the news, and then Ares told me you

left. He’s a wreck.”

“Speak of the Devil,” Silas says, showing us the caller ID on his phone. It reads Ares Windsor.


He puts the phone on speaker and holds it out for us. “Where is my wife? The bodyguards I had on

her told me they lost her trail. They were supposed to be the best you’ve got, so where the fuck is

she? The entire fucking world is after her, and your men fucking lost her. If anyone so much as harms

one single hair on her head, I will fucking kill you.”

My eyes widen in surprise. Bodyguards? I should’ve known Ares wouldn’t take risks with my

safety, but I can’t believe I never noticed his bodyguards.

Silas chuckles. “She’s safe.”

Ares falls silent. “Is she with you?”


“Where is she?”

Silas ends the call, refusing to answer him. I can’t help but smile at him in gratitude. I need a little

bit of space to think, and I can’t do that with Ares around.

“Yeah,” Silas tells me. “He’s definitely in love with you. I have never seen him lose his cool,

regardless of what situation he was put in. I once watched him foil a kidnapping attempt on Sierra

without a single hint of panic crossing his face, yet you go missing for ten minutes, and his world


I wrap my arms around myself and inhale deeply. “All I’ve ever wanted was his love, so

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