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I close my eyes and inhale deeply. “I would.”

“It’ll cost you.”

“I’m sure it will.”

“One favor. To be called whenever I please, and you cannot deny me.”

I hesitate. Silas fucking Sinclair. He knows how much a favor from a Windsor is worth.

“Anything but that.”

“Then I suppose you’ll have to find someone else, Windsor.”

Fuck. This fucking asshole. “Did you ever even give a fuck about her?” I snap.

He laughs, the sound grating. “I did, and I still do. My wife and I both love Raven as though she’s

family, and we always will.”

“Yet you demand such a high price for her protection?”

“I don’t mix business and my personal life.”

“That’s bullshit. You founded your entire company to find your wife.”

He laughs again, and never before have I been this tempted to punch someone in the face.

“Yes,” he admits. “Alanna is my only exception.”

“Fine,” I say through gritted teeth. “One favor. So long as it doesn’t harm anyone and doesn’t

breach my personal values.”

“Done,” he says. “Raven will never realize some of the most skilled and ruthless men I’ve got are

protecting her round the clock.” Then that fucker laughs again. “By the way, you should probably

know that Raven has unknowingly had my protection for years now — for free. You just paid one hell

of a premium just to keep men’s advances at bay, something I never bothered with. You should

probably ask yourself why.”

Then he hangs up on me, leaving me fucking fuming. Fucking piece of shit.

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