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Chapter Sixty-Three


I walk into the kitchen to find Hannah sitting by the breakfast bar, dark circles marring her beautiful

face. She looks up at me, her eyes filled with defeat. She knows. There’s no doubt in my mind that

Ares confronted her about what she did five years ago.

She huffs and looks away as she picks up her teacup, her hands trembling. I wish I had the energy

to keep up the facade, but I don’t. After what Ares told me last night, I can barely stand to look at her.

How am I supposed to allow her into my life, knowing how much she took from me? “Why did you do

it?” I ask, unable to keep the question buried.

She looks up at me and grits her teeth. “Do what?”

“That night… why did you sneak into Ares’s room? Why did you pretend it was you he slept


She looks away and shakes her head, avoiding my gaze. I’ve never seen her at a loss for words,

but she is today. It’s clear that she thought she got away with her deception. Just how long has she

been manipulating me?

“For once in your life, be honest with me. Why would you do that to me? To Ares?”

She raises her head and sighs, resignation written all over her face. “Because I wanted him,” she

says simply, a hint of anger in her eyes. “I wanted him to look at me the way he always looked at you.

I wanted the prestige of being a Windsor.” She crosses her arms. “When did you figure it out?”

She’s so blasé about it that I struggle to push aside my fury. If she wasn’t pregnant, I’d have

poured her tea all over her head before asking our guards to throw her out.

“Not until last night,” I admit.

She nods, her jaws locked. “That explains why Ares asked me to leave this morning. He could

barely stand to look at me, because of you. If his grandmother hadn’t stepped in, he’d have forcibly

thrown me out.” She smiles at me then. “You almost got what you wanted. Almost.”

I should’ve known Ares wouldn’t simply let this slip. I don’t want to either, but what can I do? I

can’t risk harming the baby, and Ares shouldn’t either.

I stare at my sister, the distance between us never greater. She feels like a stranger to me. Did I

ever really know her at all? “You put me through years of torment and heartbreak, yet you sit here

without an ounce of remorse. I’m your sister, Hannah. How could you do this to me?”

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