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breakfast, you were sitting there with your arm around her, telling everyone you were dating. It broke


His hands roam over my body, and he lifts me up against the wall. I wrap my legs around him to

hold myself up, feeling more vulnerable than I ever have before.

“When I woke up with her, I knew I lost my chance with you, Raven. I knew I could never have

you after sleeping with your sister. I was as hurt as you were, Cupcake. The one I wanted was never

her. It’s always been you. Only you.”

I burst into tears, and he takes his time to kiss each and every one of them away. “Ares, a few

days later I tried to talk to you about it. Do you remember? You were in the living room at Grandma’s,

and I asked you when you got together with Hannah, and what it’d mean for our engagement. I asked

you if you ever felt anything for me, and if I ever meant anything to you at all.” I sniff, tears falling

uncontrollably. “I still remember the way my voice trembled, the fear I felt as I voiced those

questions. You looked at me with such pity and shot me down. You said that you considered me

family, and that you were going to ask Grandma to break our engagement, because you’d never see me

as anything but Hannah’s sister.” Ares tightens his grip on me, but I can’t face him. “You broke my

heart, and I never recovered. Throughout the years, the two of you continued to make stabs at my

heart, and I can’t take much more. I can’t do it, Ares. I’m begging you, please stop destroying what’s

left of me.”

He cups my cheek and forces me to face him, his eyes filled with the same anguish I feel. “I love

you,” he tells me. “I loved you then, and I love you now. Hell, if I’m truly honest with myself, I never


He leans in, his lips brushing over mine as he kisses me, his touch filled with desperation. “I

thought I lost my chance with you, Raven. I did what I could to ensure I could keep you in our lives.”

He drops his forehead to mine and inhales shakily. “Throughout the years, I took as much as you’d

give me, finding any excuse to spend some time with you. I’d attend fashion shows under the guise of

having to network, just so I could catch a glimpse of you. Most of the time, I could even fool myself,

telling myself I was just looking out for you when it was so much more than that. It was wrong and

deep down I knew it, but I couldn’t stay away. I told myself that it’d be okay so long as I never

crossed the line, but fuck, being around you and not having you… yeah, that fucking killed me. I swear

to you, I’ll spend the rest of our lives making up for lost time. Hannah won’t get away with this — I

swear it. Raven, I will never hurt you again.”

He kisses me, his touch different this time. It feels far more emotional, more desperate. “Baby,”

he groans, his hands moving to my ass. “I love you, Raven.”

I thread my hands through his hair and grip tightly. “I love you too, Ares. I always have.”

“I’ll never let you go again,” he promises me, his lips pressed against my neck.

I reach between us and wrap my hand around his cock, placing it right where I want it. He looks

into my eyes as he pushes into me, taking his time.

“I’ll never walk away. You’re it for me, baby. No matter what,” he vows.

He pushes into me all the way, and I cry out. Ares fucks me against the wall in our shower, his

eyes on mine, and for a few moments, it’s like nothing else matters. The whole world melts away until

it’s just me and him. I let myself believe that we can make it through anything, that nothing could ever

tear us apart.

I should’ve known better.

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