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matter what angle I look at this from, I’m what stands between two people that have always loved

each other. I was always just her stand-in, Ares, and she’s finally ready to take her place by your side.

This is everything you’ve ever wanted.” I take a deep breath and look away, wishing I could take

back the words I just uttered. I hate it when my insecurities rule me. This is not who I am. I barely

recognize myself when faced with Hannah and Ares. Will I lose myself if I keep subjecting myself to


“No, Raven,” he says, tightening his grip on my hair. “You are all that I’ve ever wanted. I’ve never

been this happy before, baby. You fucking complete me, Cupcake. You’re the part I never realized I

was missing. You’re my heart, my soul. It doesn’t matter how many years I spent with Hannah,

because just a few months with you brought me more happiness than years with her ever did. If she

and I were meant to be together, we’d have made it work, Rave. If I truly loved her, I never would’ve

fallen for you, and certainly not so quickly. Hell, if I loved her the way you seem to think I do, I’d

never have let her go in the first place. I hear you, baby. I hear you, and I understand your fears, but

trust me when I tell you that nothing she could do will make me waver. You’re the only one I’ll ever

love, Raven. No man could have you and walk away from you. I know I can’t.”

“But you have,” I snap, my eyes burning with unshed tears. “You have, and I’m terrified you’ll do

it again. I barely survived it the first time, but it’ll destroy me this time around, Ares. I can’t do this


He cups my face with both hands and frowns. “What are you talking about?”

“Sierra’s 21 st birthday,” I whisper. “I… I came to your room at night. We’d both been drinking too

much, but it didn’t matter. The drinks were exactly what I needed to gather my courage. At that point,

we’d been informally engaged. Your grandmother and my parents had both agreed on it, but you and I

hadn’t discussed it. We’d both just kind of been dancing around the subject, and you’d been treating

me the same way you treated Sierra, the way you’d always treated me, with playful kindness, and

nothing more. I… I came to your room that night to ask what you thought of me and our engagement.”

He stares at me wide-eyed. “What?”

I draw a shaky breath and force myself to face him. “I tried to kiss you, and you told me that I

didn’t know what I was asking for…”

“—and you replied that you weren’t as innocent as I thought you were.”

I nod, my heart skipping a beat. “You… you remember?”

He shakes his head. “No, but I’ve dreamed of this night. I’ve been dreaming about you for years,

Raven.” He tightens his grip on my hair and tilts my face up. “Even when you were the last woman I

ever should’ve desired, you kept my dreams captive.”

My eyes fall closed as sorrow fills my broken heart. “I gave you my virginity that night, Ares. You

told me that there’d be no going back from that point onwards, and I believed you. You asked me to

marry you, and the very next day, you announced that you were dating my sister.”

He drops his forehead to mine and inhales deeply. “Raven,” he pleads. “The next morning, I… I

woke up with Hannah in my bed.”

I push against his chest, my stomach clenching. “W-what?”

He refuses to let me go and nods, his eyes reflecting the torment I feel. “I remember waking up

with a smile on my face, wanting more of you. I turned over, and Hannah was in my bed, naked. She

smiled at me and told me that she’d enjoyed every second of the previous night. She convinced me

that the woman I slept with that night was her. Tell me the truth, Raven. Was it really you?”

I sniff as tears escape my eyes. “Yes.” My voice breaks. “It was me, Ares. I sneaked out of your

room at dawn and went back to Sierra’s room to freshen up, and by the time I came down for

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