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her. It’s like I took a trip to the past, back when I was always looking in from the outside.

Grandma stands next to Hannah’s bed, arms crossed. “You’re carrying my first great-grandchild,”

she says, her tone soft and sweet. “You need to take good care of yourself, Hannah.” She turns to Ares

then. “The same goes for you. She’s carrying your child, Ares. I know the situation isn’t ideal, but

we’ll make the best of it — as a family.”

Hannah looks up at her with tears in her eyes. “I came here because I agree, Grandma. I thought

my sister and Ares would be the two people that’d be most supportive. I thought I’d be safe from the

press here while we try to figure out how our lives are going to change now, but they don’t want me

here. Ares asked me to leave, and I… I think I should. I never should’ve come here in the first place.”

Grandma pauses for a moment. “The doctor put you on bed rest, Hannah. I’d like you to stay here

until you feel better. It’ll be good for Ares, Raven, and you to be together. After all, this pregnancy

entwines all three of your fates. The more you avoid each other, the bigger the blow-outs when you’re

eventually forced to face each other. For the sake of my great-grandchild, you need to learn to put

aside your differences.”

“No,” Ares says, his arm slipping away. He puts down the glass he was holding and rises to his

feet. “She can’t stay here. I understand your intentions, Grandma, and I agree that we need to learn to

co-exist, but now is not the time.”

Grandma holds her hand up. “There’s no better time than the present, Ares. In a mere four months,

you’ll be a father. This isn’t something you can run away from. This kind of thing is better faced headon.

The three of you need to learn how to co-parent, because your child is going to need you, and you

cannot allow him or her to be raised in a hostile environment.” She turns to me, and I tense. I didn’t

even realize she’d noticed me standing here. “Don’t you agree, Raven?”

I nod at her and suppress the unwarranted betrayal I feel. She’s right, of course, yet somehow I

can’t accept that she is. I don’t want Hannah in my home. I won’t survive seeing more moments such

as the one I walked in on. I don’t want to bear witness to the inevitable rekindling of their


Ares turns around, his eyes wide. “Baby,” he says, walking up to me.

I take a step back and force a smile. “You can have this room,” I tell Hannah. She stares at me for

a moment before nodding, the edges of her lips turned up into a small smile. Something about the way

she looks at me doesn’t sit well with me. I suppose it’s her mocking gaze, as though she knows she

didn’t need my acknowledgement or permission when she’s got Grandma by her side.

I step away and make my way to my bedroom, my heart in disarray. This is all of my worst

nightmares come true. Seeing them together back when Ares and I were nothing but friends was

bearable, because I could hide behind our friendship. Now? Now I’ll have to watch my husband fall

for the woman I tore him away from, all over again.


I freeze at the sound of Grandma’s voice and turn around with a polite smile on my lips. Her gaze

roams over my face, her expression worried. “Are you okay, my darling?”

I nod. “Of course.”

Grandma looks away. “This is all my fault. I can see you’re hurting, Raven. You wouldn’t be in

this situation if not for me. I’m the one who demanded that you marry Ares, but I should have known

that it was too late for the two of you. Throughout the years, fate has brought Hannah and Ares

together over and over again. I was foolish to think I could untangle their destinies. My attempts to do

so have harmed you, and for that, I am forever sorry.”

I shake my head. “No, Grandma. It’s okay, I promise. Ares and I will be okay. You were right

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