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Why the fuck did you bring that girl if you didn’t want it blasted all over the gossip papers? You

never bring a date, Xav, so you should’ve known that the first time you do would attract attention.”

He hesitates and looks away, piquing my curiosity. “She’s special to you, huh?” My smile drops at

the thought of it. My brothers and I have always been certain that the hatred between Xavier and

Sierra was really just thinly veiled love. Looks like we were wrong. I clear my throat and look away.

Lexington walks up to us, a concerned look on his face. “Does Sierra know about this girl?” he


Xavier frowns. “She saw me with Valeria at the gala, but I don’t see how that matters.”

“Valeria,” I murmur. He says her name so reverently. It’s no wonder Sierra sent him a stink bomb.

Zane looks at me, and I shake my head. I don’t know who she is either. She showed up on

Xavier’s arm two weeks ago, and none of us had ever heard of her before.

“So who is she?” Zane asks. “I remember seeing her. She’s beautiful, that’s for sure.”

Xavier turns around to face Zane, a chilling smile on his face. “Stay away from her,” he warns.

“Don’t fuck with me, Zane. I don’t want any of you anywhere near her.”

“Hmm,” Zane says. “You’re protective of her, huh?”

Lexington and I glance at each other before mutually agreeing to let it go. In the end, Sierra’s

match will be decided by Grandma, anyway. Perhaps this is for the best, after all.

I walk toward the table and grab Zane’s deck of cards, shuffling it absentmindedly. I’ll have to tell

my wife about this. I wonder what she’ll think of it. I know she also thought there was something

between Xavier and Sierra.

Luca walks in, stumbling, a bottle of scotch in his hands. I can’t remember the last time I saw

Luca drunk. He doesn’t like to lose control, and excessive drinking is one of those things he hates


“Luca,” Zane calls. “You alright?”

Zane slams his bottle down on the poker table and sits down, a humorless laugh escaping his lips.

“Of course I’m fine,” he snaps. “Why wouldn’t I be fine? I can do without her. I don’t fucking need


Lexington glances at me in question, but I’ve got no idea what’s going on either. Usually I’m the

one that stays on top of my brothers’ bullshit so I can prevent scandals, but I’ve been preoccupied

with my wife. “Is this about your fiancee?” I ask, confused.

He looks up at me. “I can’t even remember that girl’s fucking name,” he snaps.

“Valentina,” Xavier says, a knowing look in his eyes. “This is about Valentina.”

Luca looks up, his gaze filled with torment. “She left me.”

Lex frowns. “What do you mean, she left you? Did you… were you two seeing each other, or


Luca waves his hand in irritation. “No, of course not. It’s Valentina. I wouldn’t… I’d never risk

it. Not when I don’t know if I’d be able to marry her. She… she quit her job, man.”

I sit down next to Luca and lean back, shocked. “She’s been with you for what? Eight years?”

He nods. “Yep. Fresh out of college, both of us. I just thought that… I don’t know, man. I don’t

know what I was thinking.”

Xavier starts to tidy the table, clearing away the poker chips while Zane hands each of us a glass

before pouring Luca’s scotch into them. “We’ll need ice,” he says matter-of-factly.

“We’ll need a whole lot more than that,” Lex adds.

“Did she tell you why she quit?” Xavier asks.

Luca chuckles darkly. “Said she wanted a fresh start and a life of her own. She feels like she’s

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