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Chapter Five


“Give this more news coverage,” I order, my eyes lingering on the articles about Raven’s couture

brand. I didn’t realize it last night, but one of the brands on stage was hers. From what I can tell, her

latest pieces have been received very well, and they deserve more attention than they’re getting.

What’s the point in owning several gossip and fashion magazines if I can’t use them to push my

friend’s work? I hope her company continues to grow to the point that she’ll have to quit modeling for

lack of time.

I hate how she’s become the object of men’s desires. They can’t see beyond her beauty, to the

funny and kind woman within. I know how toxic this industry is, and I don’t want that for her. I want

her safely behind the flashing lights, instead of in front of them.

Raven hasn’t been herself recently, and I’m worried about her. I’m worried it’s all becoming too

much for her. The continuous dieting, the tough requirements that photographers have, the often harsh

shooting environments. I never understood why she does it at all. She’s beautiful beyond words, but

somehow, this career doesn’t suit her.

Her fashion brand, on the other hand? That’s perfect for her. It allows her creativity to shine

through, and she still operates in the industry she grew up in, without being subjected to the very

worst parts of fame.

“Bradford Manson called,” my secretary, Dom, tells me. “He wanted to inquire about the script

he sent in. Based on your notes, it appears like we’re ready to okay the funding for his project. Should

I put that into motion?”

I grit my teeth and look up sharply. “No,” I snap, my thoughts turning back to the way he spoke to

Raven last night. “He’s a piece of shit unworthy of being stuck on the bottom of her fucking shoe.”

“What?” Dom says, confused.

I wave my hand in dismissal. “Forget it. I never want to hear that fucker’s name again. We won’t

work with him again, and let it be known that any actor or actress that works with him will never

work with Windsor Media again. The same goes for anyone that gives him funding.”

Dom’s eyes widen. “What did the poor sucker do for you to give him the Kiss of Death? He’ll

never work again.”

I smirk at the stupid expression. Being blacklisted by the Windsors has been dubbed The Kiss of

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