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it meant making myself small and invisible. I’m done. I’m done being taken for granted. I’m done

being pushed around. I love you, but I can’t have you in my life if all you bring me is sorrow.”

Hannah looks at me and inhales shakily. “You’re right,” she says. “I’ll never forgive you for going

after Ares the way you did, Raven. I won’t give up on him either. If that means that I’ll have to

sacrifice my relationship with you, then so be it. Let’s be real. We both hate each other anyway. The

only reason we tolerate each other is because we have to.”

My heart clenches painfully, and I inhale sharply. I always suspected that she hated me, but I tried

so hard to convince myself that it was all in my head, that my own sister couldn’t possibly feel that

way about me.

“I loved you,” I tell her, my voice breaking. “I’m pretty sure I loved you from the moment I took

my first breath, and I’ll love you until I take my last. It kills me that you don’t feel the same way, but at

least I know now.” I take a step away, taking one last look at my sister. “You’re toxic, Hannah. Not

just to me, but to yourself. It isn’t just me you’re losing today, you know? With each passing day, you

lose more of yourself, too. But you know what? It isn’t my job to save you. Not anymore.”

I force myself to walk away from my sister, knowing deep down that I should’ve done it long ago.

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