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She grits her teeth. “Tell me honestly, Raven. Why did you take my place on my wedding day? We

both know Grandma Anne would’ve allowed us to postpone the wedding if you hadn’t. Despite her

threats, she’d never have forced you. She loves you far too much to do that to you.”

I nod. “I know.”

Her eyes widen. “Then why?”

“Because I’ve been in love with him for years. Ever since an engagement between him and me

was first discussed. My feelings never wavered. I’ve loved him since before you even met him. My

biggest regret in life was introducing you two, so when I was given a chance to remedy that, I took it.

Can you really blame me for chasing my dreams by walking down that aisle, when walking away

from it allowed you to chase yours?”

“You disgust me,” she tells me, her eyes flashing with genuine hurt. “All these years, you lusted

after my fiancé, spending time with him, pretending to be his friend, when all along, you wanted him.

Was it ever more than that? Did you two ever cross the line?”

I think back to the way I sat in his lap, the way I tried to seduce him. “No,” I tell her. “Ares never

crossed the line with me. Not even once.”

I did, though. I crossed the line with him. I’m guilty of what she’s accusing me of, but admitting

that now would only further deteriorate what’s left of our relationship.

“Hannah, why are you chasing after him when you’re the one who left him at the altar? Why do

you continuously attempt to get between us even though we’re married? Do I truly mean nothing to

you? Does my happiness truly not matter to you?”

Some of the venom in her eyes drains away, and she looks away. “I want you to be happy, Raven.

But not with the man I love. Not with the man I planned a future with and share a past with.”

I stare at my sister, my heart breaking. “But I am, Hannah. I’m happy with him, and I think he’s

happy with me too. Can’t you see that?” I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear and inhale shakily.

“Over the last few months, you and I have destroyed the strenuous relationship we had, and what for?

I won’t leave him, Hannah. Even if I tried, he wouldn’t let me. He loves me just as much as I love

him. You realize that, don’t you?”

“Love,” she repeats, followed by a hollow laugh. “Are you seriously standing here and telling me

he fell in love with your after, what? Four, five months of marriage? Don’t be ridiculous. This is a

rebound, and I’ll let him have it, but it’ll never be more than that.”

I inhale shakily and look away. “Maybe you’re right,” I admit. “But even so, I’m his wife. I’ll be

his wife for at least the next two and a half years, but we both know it’ll be far longer than that. Even

if you’re right, and what he feels for me isn’t true love… then that’s fine for me, Hannah. I love him

enough to wait until he eventually truly loves me back.”

She stares at me in disbelief.

“I’m sorry,” I tell her.

“No,” she says. “You’re not sorry.”

“Hannah,” I say, my voice breaking. “Do you want me in your life? Because this road you and I

are walking… if we see this through, there’s no going back. I love you, Han. You know that I do. But I

won’t sacrifice any more for you.”

She rolls her eyes. “You say that as though you’ve ever had to sacrifice anything for me at all.”

I smile at her, my heart wrenching. “You wouldn’t be standing here today if I hadn’t sacrificed

anything for you. Similarly, I wouldn’t exist without you. We both know that Mom and Dad only had

me because they needed my bone marrow to save your life. I’ve spent my entire life living in your

shadow, Hannah, giving into anything you wanted, supporting you in any way I could think of, even if

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