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Chapter Fifty-Five


I stare at myself in the mirror, taking in the smeared lipstick, my messy hair and clothes. I’d been so

annoyed watching Hannah follow him around the garden, and he turned my mood around just like that.

He knew exactly what I needed without me even saying a word.

I try my hardest to fix my appearance, but no matter what I do, I look like I just had a quickie with

my husband. I suppose it’s the smile that I can’t suppress.

I’m strangely giddy as I slip out of the bathroom, but my mood drops instantly when I find Hannah

leaning against the wall. She looks at me with such hatred in her eyes that I find myself frozen in


“It wasn’t enough that you stole him from me, huh? You just had to fuck him all night knowing I

could hear you two.” She waves her hand in my direction. “And now this? You just had to steal his

attention away when we were finally having a civil conversation. What is it that you’re trying to do?

Did you want to show me how much he wants you? Do you want to rub in that I lost him?”

I lean back against the closed bathroom door and shake my head. “No, Hannah. I would never

knowingly do that to you. I tried to be quiet last night, and just now… well, it had nothing to do with

you. I went inside and Ares followed me. You could’ve stopped him if you wanted to.”

She laughs humorlessly. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? You fucking bitch. I don’t

understand why everyone always thinks you’re so sweet and innocent, when you’re a vicious fucking


I smile at her, barely able to restrain my anger. “Hmm, you might be onto something there. Ares

does call me his little slut, after all.” Her eyes widen as though she can’t believe I just said that, and I

merely shrug. “I’m done indulging you. You put me through hell for years, and I always gave in,

because that’s just how it’s always been between us. Not anymore, Hannah. Walking away from Ares

is the best thing you ever could’ve done for me, but it’s also the worst thing you ever could’ve done

to me. Your blatant disregard for my happiness and my plans for my future is disgusting. I’m done

hoping that someday, you’ll go back to being the big sister I once looked up to.”

She looks hurt for a moment, but her pain rapidly makes way for anger. “Don’t give me that shit,”

she tells me. “Don’t try to change the subject and shift the blame.”

I cross my arms and stare her down. “I wouldn’t dare. That’s your area of expertise, after all.”

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