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“Oh God,” she moans loudly. It’s fucking music to my ears. The way she moans, the way she looks

at me through the mirror. It’s fucking unreal.

I smile as I move my arm around her and place my fingers back on her pussy, teasing her clit

while I fuck her from behind. “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you look, baby? My cock is

sliding in and out of your pussy so fucking beautifully. You’re taking my cock like such a good fucking

girl, my love.”

I increase the intensity on her clit, and her moans come quicker, loudly. I can’t get enough of her.

“Ares,” she begs.

“Fucking hell, Raven. I can’t take it when you moan my name like that.”

I fuck her harder, pushing her to the edge.

“Yes,” she moans. “Oh God, yes.”

I watch her in the mirror as she comes for me, her eyes falling closed as pure bliss takes over her

face. Her pussy tightens so fucking hard that I can’t help but come right along with her. “Fuck,

Raven,” I groan. I pull her head back and kiss her, not wanting to pull out of her just yet.

Raven pulls away, her cheeks flushed and the sexiest just-fucked look on her face. Fucking hell. I

just had her, and I already want more.

I wrap my hands around her panties and push them down her thighs until they fall to the floor. I

reach for them as I pull my trousers back up, and she watches me as I lift them to my face, inhaling

deeply before I put them in the inside pocket of my suit jacket. “You’re going to walk around without

them,” I tell her. “And each time you feel my cum drip down your thighs, I want you the remember

how much I fucking want you. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you, Raven. I’ve never loved

anyone the way I love you. You’re it for me. No matter what.”

I press a kiss to her cheek before I slip out of the bathroom, giving her a moment to catch her

breath. I can’t wipe the smile off my face as I close the door behind me.

I’m on such a fucking high that not even the fact that Hannah is standing right around the corner can

ruin my mood. I smile at her as I walk past her, entirely unaffected by the torment I see in her eyes.

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