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I look up at her in surprise. “What?”

She huffs and looks away. “Don’t even bother denying it. Do you know how many times I heard

you moan her name in your sleep? Did you really think I didn’t realize you were dreaming about her?”

She runs a hand through her hair. “If I’m truly honest, that’s one of the reasons I couldn’t go through

with it. I always felt like I stole you from her, since she was always meant to be your fiancee. I can

see it, you know? I can see why your grandmother picked her, and not me. The two of you have

always had a bond that made me jealous. It still does.”

Raven’s eyes meet mine from across the garden, but she looks away almost immediately.

“I’m sorry it didn’t work out between us,” I tell her. “But I’m not sorry for moving on and finding

the happiness we never would’ve had together. I hope you find your own happiness too, Hannah.”

“I won’t,” she tells me. “No one can make me as happy as you do, Ares. Despite everything that

happened, despite the fact that you’re married to my sister, I still want you.”

I watch as Raven walks into the house, her shoulders slumped. What’s wrong? Why does she look

so upset? Is it something I’ve done? Fuck. I shouldn’t have spoken to Hannah at all.

I put my beer down and move to follow her. “Excuse me,” I tell Hannah.

“Ares!” she calls, surprised, but I ignore her. I need to get to my Cupcake and figure out what’s


She disappears around the corner and I rush after her, just about catching the door to the guest

bathroom before she closes it. She looks up in surprise, her eyes wide. “Ares?”

I smirk as I walk into the bathroom with her and close the door behind us.

“What are you—” I grab her and turn us over, so I’ve got her pressed against the door. I grab her

roughly and tip her face up toward mine, my lips coming down on hers. She moans when I kiss her,

and I push against her hard, letting her feel my rapidly hardening cock.

“I can’t keep my eyes off you in this pretty white dress,” I groan against her lips. My left hand

moves underneath her dress, as I tilt her head, placing my lips against her neck, right in that spot

underneath her ear.

“You’re wearing panties, huh?”

She chuckles as her hands start to roam over my body. I fucking love how much she always wants

me. “It seemed appropriate,” she tells me, “being at my parents’ house and all.”

I turn her over and make her face the mirror above the sink as I position myself behind her.

“Baby,” I whisper into her ear. “There’s nothing appropriate about what I’m going to do to you.”

I lift her dress up and slide my hand into her panties, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin. A dark

chuckle escapes my lips when I realize that she’s already wet for me.

“You’re such a good little slut for me, Raven. Always so wet, so needy.”

I bury my free hand in her hair and tilt her neck, kissing her in every spot I know is sensitive

while my fingers work her pussy.

I slip two fingers into her while my thumb rests against her clit. She starts to move her hips

against me, and I chuckle as she rides my hand. “Look at you,” I whisper. “Desperate for my cock in

your parents’ guest bathroom, a house full of people surrounding us. But you don’t care, do you?

You’re going to come for me nonetheless.”

I chuckle and pull my fingers away. “Ares,” she groans, her eyes flashing with impatience.

I unbuckle my belt and undo my jeans impatiently. My cock is so fucking hard that restraining it

hurts. “I need your pussy,” I tell her. “Lift your dress.”

She does as I tell her to, and I push her panties all the way to the side before pushing into her in

one quick move.

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