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Chapter Fifty-Two


“You seem nervous,” Ares says as we pull up in front of my parents’ house. I nod and turn toward

him. “Moment of honesty,” I whisper. “I’m scared to face Hannah, and the thought of being surrounded

by my family for an entire weekend fills me with anxiety. Every time I’m here, I feel like I’m lacking.

Besides… this house… it’s filled with memories of you and her.”

Ares leans in and cups my cheek, his thumb brushing over my lips tenderly. “I’ll overwrite them,”

he promises. “However, Cupcake, if you don’t want to go, we don’t have to, you know?”

I frown at him in surprise. “Family means everything to you.”

He looks into my eyes, his expression carrying a hint of sorrow that he tries to bury behind a

smile. “That’s because I mean everything to my family.”

Hurt renders me speechless for a moment, and he looks away. “I love you,” he whispers. “I love

you with all my heart, Raven, and I can’t stand watching them take you for granted. They’re your

family, and I’ll always respect and honor your wishes when it comes to them, but know that I don’t

agree with the way you let them treat you.”

I place my index finger on his chin and lean in for a kiss, loaning some of his strength. “I’ll be

okay,” I whisper against his lips. “Because you’ll be there with me.”

I nod. “Always.”


He tilts his head in question.

“Can I ask you to promise me something? This weekend… can you please put my father first? I

want to keep the peace as best as I can. He should be able to enjoy his birthday, you know?”

He hesitates for a moment, but in the end, he nods. “I promise,” he says, his tone revealing his

reluctance. “I’ll follow your lead, Rave. It’s your family. Your choice.”

I nod and lean in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Thank you,” I whisper.

He smiles at me, but I see the worry he tries to hide. “Ready?” he asks, his tone soft and patient,

as though he’ll sit here all night with me if I want him to.

“Ready,” I nod.

Ares gets out of the car and walks around it, offering me his hand as we walk to the front door.

Nerves truly set in, and I bite down on my lip. Going home to see my parents should be something I

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