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get into an argument. “Yes,” I tell her, resigned. I can’t keep running away from my family. At some

point, we’ll have to learn to co-exist.

“Please be on your best behavior. Try not to aggravate your sister, okay? She’s been having a hard

time lately, and it’s taken a toll on her health. I’m worried.”

Anger takes root deep within me, and I tighten my grip on my phone. “Sure,” I promise. “I hope

you told her the same thing, Mom. I won’t provoke her, but don’t expect me to tolerate her toxic

behavior for even a single second, because I won’t.”

“Toxic?” Mom repeats, outraged.

“Don’t even bother denying it,” I warn her. “I neither have the time nor the patience to deal with

any of the excuses you’ll make for her. I’ll be there this weekend, and I’ll bring my husband.”


“I need to go, Mom. I’ll speak to you later.”

I end the call and put my phone away, ignoring Sierra’s gleeful stares. “Damn, girl,” she says,

grinning. “It’s about damn time.”

I shrug. “I’ve tried being sweet, Sierra. I’ve been kind and patient, taking into account everyone’s

feelings but my own. Enough is enough.”

She grabs my hand and entwines our fingers, a proud smile on her face. “You’re made of steel, yet

you were always so malleable around your family. They got too used to you bending backwards to

keep the peace, but it’s time you put yourself first. You’re not alone anymore, Rave. You never were,

but you’re officially a Windsor now. We’re your family now.”

I smile at her. “I hear you, babe.”

She grins. “I know you do, but I’ll repeat myself until you take it to heart.”

I squeeze her hand in thanks as we round the corner and walk into Grandma’s living room, where

the rest is already waiting for us.

Ares’s gaze drops to our joined hands, and he narrows his eyes. “Let go of my wife,” he warns,

his tone unyielding.

Sierra stares him down. “She was mine before she was ever yours. You wanna fight me, bro?

Who do you think she’ll back?”

I pull my hand out of hers and shake my head as I walk over to Ares, who instantly grabs both of

my hands, holding them in his as he smirks at his sister.

“You’re both so childish,” I mutter as I glance around the room. We’re still missing Luca, and, of

course, Dion, who’s in London.

Ares wraps his hand around my waist and leans in. “You know it’s your fault, right? You turn me

into a childish, petty fool.”

I look up into his eyes and grin. “And it’s my greatest accomplishment.”

“Ugh, you two are so disgustingly cute together,” Lex says, groaning.

Zane grins when Luca walks in with Valentina, his secretary, and waves them over as we head

into the dining room. Val smiles at me and rushes toward me. “Rave!”

I hug her tightly and then step back to assess her outfit. “I love this dress on you.”

She smirks at me. “I only wear the best of the best, and this designer? She tops them all.”

I chuckle as she twirls around in the dress I designed for her, a deep sense of pride settling in my


“Kids,” Grandma calls, her eyes moving over all of us. “As you may have guessed, I have an

announcement to make.”

We all tense, knowing that whatever it is, it’ll affect all of us. Grandma smiles, her gaze pausing

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