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is a powerhouse. Is there anything you don’t own? You’ve got your hands on several popular

magazines, one newspaper, the fashion industry, and, of course, your production studio. I’m not sure

how you do it all. I’m honored you were able to make time to attend my event today.”

I nod and try my hardest to hold a conversation with him, but I keep thinking about Lexington. Is

something truly going on between Raven and him? I’m just about to make up an excuse to cut off the

ass-kissing that’s been going on for far too long when the conversation behind me catches my


“I’m afraid I can’t.” I tense and turn around at the sound of Raven’s voice. She’s upset, but she’s

smiling brightly at the man standing in front of her.

“Excuse me,” I tell Jonas, a hint of annoyance simmering underneath the surface of my polite

expression. What could possibly have made Raven upset?

“Just a single date,” the man says. “I’ll pay you more money for it than you earn in a year.”

My jaws lock involuntarily, anger curling my hands into fists. I force myself to relax the moment

my eyes meet Raven’s, a hint of relief in her expression. I smile at her, never taking my eyes off her as

I slide my hand around her waist, pulling her into me. “There you are, Raven,” I murmur, before

turning toward the man standing opposite us.

He looks enraged for a moment, but then recognition hits, and he averts his gaze. “Mr. Windsor,”

he says, his tone much more gentle than before.

I know exactly who he is, but I’ll be damned if I acknowledge him. I stare at him blankly for a

moment before turning back to Raven.

“We spoke recently regarding a script I sent to Windsor Media,” he reminds me. He’s a wellknown

director, and I’d just been about to approve the funding for his new movie since Hannah really

wanted the lead role. Too bad.

My thumb moves in circles over Raven’s waist, and she leans into me, her body pressed against

mine. Raven is one of the strongest women I know, so her taking solace in my presence can only mean

one thing. This isn’t the first time this asshole is harassing her.

“All I remember is hearing you propositioning Raven. It’s interesting, because you cannot afford

to offend her.” I chuckle humorlessly. “You want to pay her more than she earns in a year for one

date? She’s the highest paid model in the world, and you? Well, I’m not sure who you are. I do know

you cannot afford to come within five feet of her, and if you do… I’ll make you pay the price.”

His eyes widen and fill with regret as he stares at Raven. I don’t even want him looking at her.

She deserves better than this kind of bullshit. “I didn’t know,” he says, his voice soft.

I tighten my grip on Raven and smile. “Now you do, so fuck off.”

He nods and walks away, his jaws clenched, but I don’t give a shit. All I care about is the smile

on Raven’s face.

“Still convinced you don’t need a bodyguard?”

She looks up at me, a hint of exasperation in her gaze. “Ares. I wasn’t in any danger, so what’s the


I let go of her and shake my head. “How often does this happen?”

“It’s super rare,” she tells me, but the way she looks to her left briefly betrays her lies. She’s done

that when she lies for as long as I’ve known her.

“You shouldn’t be left alone at these types of events. You didn’t bring a date?”

There’s only one man I’ve seen her with in recent years, but he recently got married, much to my

relief. There’s something about Silas Sinclair that I just don’t like, and it isn’t the fact that he’s one of

very few people that are completely untouchable to me. I’ve tried to get Grandma to ditch his firm as

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