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Chapter Fifty-One


“It’s been a while since Grandma called us all together like that so urgently,” Sierra says as we walk

toward the main house together. “The last time she did that it was to announce your upcoming


“Do you have any idea what it might be about?”

Sierra shakes her head. “No clue. I asked my brothers as well, and they have no idea.”

My phone starts to ring and groan as I stare at my caller ID. I have no doubt my mother is calling

about something related to Hannah, and I don’t want to hear it.

“Who is that?” Sierra asks, glancing at my phone. She rolls her eyes when she sees my mother’s

name and declines the call for me, but my mother calls me straight back. She’s so relentless. If I don’t

pick up, she’ll just keep calling, until she wears me down.


“Raven, sweetheart. I’ve been trying to reach you for hours.”

Normally I’d have made excuses, but I don’t have it in me today. “What is it, Mom?” It doesn’t sit

well with me that she’s calling me sweetheart when every conversation we’ve had since I got married

was hostile.

She hesitates for a moment. “I heard Hannah and you had an argument? She’s been incredibly

upset and told me that you and Ares… that you’re together?”

I grit my teeth for a moment and take a calming breath. “Is that so? I assume you told her to accept

the fact that she chose to walk away from him? Did you remind her that I’m married to Ares? What

exactly is so surprising about be being with my own husband? Surely she isn’t thinking anything

immoral. You raised her better than that, didn’t you?”

Sierra’s lips fall open, and then she grins wickedly, nodding to herself. I roll my eyes at her and

continue to walk.

Mom falls silent for a moment before clearing her throat. “Ares and you are coming home for your

father’s 60 th birthday, aren’t you? Will you be spending the weekend with us?”

I hesitate. When Ares and I agreed to go to my father’s birthday together, we’d only just gotten

married. Things weren’t so complicated yet, so messy. I’m not sure either of us should be around

Hannah for an entire weekend. I don’t want to put a downer on Dad’s birthday, and we’re bound to

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