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Chapter Forty-Nine


I stare up at the house as I try to gather the courage to go in. I shouldn’t have let Hannah’s words rattle

me, but I did. She got to me, because she’s right.

I knew exactly what I was doing when I chose to take her place. Had I stayed away, Grandma

Anne would no doubt have given Hannah yet another chance. I was selfish and took a risk. Did I make

the wrong choice?

I inhale deeply and steel myself as I walk into the house. I’m scared to face Ares, knowing there’s

a chance I’ll find some truth in her words if I confront him. I feel like I’ve built a house of cards, and

at any moment, everything will come crashing down on me.

“Raven?” Ares looks at me with clear concern in his eyes.

“You’re home late today. I’ve been calling you. Where have you been?”

I force a smile and shake my head. “I’ve just been working late, that’s all.” I hesitate. “I’ve got a

headache, Ares. I’m heading to bed.”

He walks up to me and grabs my shoulders, holding me in place as his gaze roams over my face.

My heart starts to ache when he gently brushes my hair out of my face. Is any of this real? Is he

pretending because he thinks it’s the right thing to do? Am I just an obligation to him?

I bite down on my lip harshly, but I can’t hold back my tears. I look away as a tear drops down my

cheek. I expected Ares to panic, or to demand an explanation for my agony, but he just takes me into

his arms and threads his hand into my hair. I burst into tears in earnest and bury my face against his


Sobs tear through my throat, and he tightens his grip on me, as though he’s trying to hold me

together when I fail to do so myself.

“You’re breaking my heart, Cupcake. I’m immune to everyone’s tears but yours. You’ve got me

ready to fall to my knees and beg you to tell me what I can do to make it all better.”

I shake my head, unsure of what to say. Even if I tried, I doubt the words would come out. How do

I explain that a thousand fears have consumed me? How do I explain that guilt unlike anything I’ve

ever felt before is nipping at my soul, and despite that, I’d do it all over again if it means having this

with him?

Ares leans down and lifts me into his arms, his steps resounding through the hallway as he carries

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