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Chapter Forty-Eight


I bite down on my lip as I stare at the text messages Ares has been sending me all morning. I should

be finalizing the model lineup for my upcoming show, but I keep daydreaming about my husband.

Being with him has been better than I ever could’ve dreamed of. Everything I thought I’d never have

is within reach now.

It makes me wonder if my suspicions about Hannah and Ares were true. He never seemed happy

around her — not the way he is with his family. I thought it’d just been my own wishful thinking, but

maybe it wasn’t.

When he rejected me, I thought that was it for us. I was certain I’d never have another chance, and

I’d have to watch him have his happily ever after with my sister. I never thought that’d only be the

start of our story.

Ares: do you know what the best thing is about your wife being a supermodel?

Raven: …working out together?

Ares: Last night’s workout definitely was intense…

Ares: But no, that’s not the best part. It’s all the pictures of you in lingerie that I don’t even

have to sneakily take.

Raven: you do realize everyone can see those photos, right?

Ares: damn it, Rave. Don’t remind me of those creepy pervs that are always perving on you.

The fact that you’re even thinking of them pisses me off. Seems like I didn’t fuck you hard enough

last night, huh? I’ll make sure you won’t be able to think of anyone but me by the time the sun rises


I chuckle. I can’t help it. Ares has always seemed so levelheaded, so watching him lose his mind

over me is just… it’s oddly heartwarming. I love how he keeps posting photos of us together every

time he gets pissed off about me appearing at an event with another man. He’s giving me the freedom

to have my career without making me feel guilty about it, yet he’s reminding the world that I’m his in

the cutest way possible.

Raven: Pervs be perving, my love. I’m not convinced that half those accounts aren’t actually

just secret fan accounts you’ve created to stalk me with, though.

Ares: to be fair, that’s a pretty good idea. I should make a few more and drown them all out.

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