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Hannah grits her teeth, her eyes flashing with anger. “You’ll regret treating me this way, Ares.

We’ve always had our ups and downs, and this is no different. Don’t go too far, because I promise

you, you’ll regret it.”

Then she walks out, my bodyguards on her heels.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” Raven says, her eyes filled with worries. “The last thing we want

to do is create a scandal. Next thing we know, all the news outlets are reporting on a family dispute

between the three of us. It might not be easy, but we have to take the high road here.”

I turn to my wife and gently cup her cheek, my heart racing. “You’re fucking insane if you think

I’m going to sit there and watch you choke back tears. You’re my wife, Raven. She’s nothing but your

sister to me. I don’t give a fuck about my past with her, and I don’t want to hear about it either. I

certainly won’t fucking sit here and let her hurt you, because we both know that’s exactly what she

was doing.”

I pinch her chin and raise her face to mine. “You’re my wife. You’re not someone anyone can

offend or hurt. Certainly not on my fucking watch.” I bury my hand in her hair and tighten my grip as I

roughly pull her closer. “When are you going to realize that you fucking own my heart?”

Her eyes widen as a hint of disbelief flashes through them. Yeah, I suppose I’ve never quite

admitted to her that I’m falling hard and fast. I let my fingers trail over her scalp before grabbing a

handful of her hair and fisting it in my hand. I bring her face closer to mine before I lean in to kiss her,

my touch rough and punishing. Raven moans against my lips and slides her hands up my chest until

she’s got her arms wrapped around my neck.

I pull her dress up before lifting her into my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist as I deepen

our kiss. “The fact that she managed to hurt you at all makes me feel like I’ve failed you.” I push her

against the wall, the sounds of Hannah’s movie playing all around us. All anyone would have to do is

look up, and they’d see us, but I don’t give a fuck. “Fuck what she said. Fuck the past. I’m yours,

Raven. I will never leave you. No matter what.”

I lower my lips to her neck, my teeth grazing over her skin before I suck down on it, marking her

as mine. “I’m fucking obsessed with you,” I admit. “Every little thing you do, every smile, every sigh

that leaves your lips. All of it.”

My hand delves underneath her dress, and I smirk when I realize she isn’t wearing underwear.

“This,” I groan against her lips. “I love this about you. You always want me just as badly as I want


My fingers trail over her pussy, and my cock twitches when two of my fingers slide into her with

ease. “You’re always so fucking wet for me, baby. Tell me, my love, have you always wanted me this


She looks at me, her eyes heavy with desire. “Always.”

Her hands move up my neck until she’s got them buried in my hair. Fucking hell. Just one touch,

and she’s got my heart racing. I’m impatient as I unbuckle my belt and free my cock, sliding it against

her pussy eagerly.

“I love everything about you,” I whisper as I align my cock, pushing just the tip in. Raven moans,

and I wrap my hand over her mouth.

“I love your smile.” I push in halfway, and her eyes fall closed as her legs tighten around me. She

pushes against me, trying to get me in all the way, but I hold on to her hip tightly, withholding what she


“I love your moans.” I push in a little further and brush my index finger over her lip. She opens

her mouth, and I push two fingers into it. I nearly lose it when she sucks down on them, as though she

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