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want to make it clear to Hannah that I’m hers, that our marriage isn’t the farce Hannah hoped it’d be. I

was so certain that she’d want to stake her claim, yet here she is, suffering in silence because she

doesn’t want to hurt her sister.

Fuck. I think I’m done for. I think I’m falling in love with my wife. Hell, I think I may have been in

love with her for far longer than I’d ever admit to myself.

The movie starts, but all I can focus on is my wife. She stares ahead, her spine straight, and I’m

fucking mesmerized. She looks beautiful in this dress and I love every second of seeing her in it, yet I

can’t wait to get her home so I can fuck every single insecurity out of her.

Hannah leans into me and smiles. “Do you remember this scene?” she whispers, just loud enough

for Raven to hear her too. “You flew out to meet me on set, and you watched me film this. Afterward,

we went to that vineyard that gave us the idea to get married in one ourselves.”

Raven tenses, and I tighten my grip on her hand.

“I still remember the way you laid me down in that meadow we found as we toured the

surrounding areas.”

Raven bites down on her lip and pulls her hand out of mine, and I grit my teeth as I glance at

Hannah. “Enough,” I snap, my voice quiet.

Hannah grins at me provocatively. “Don’t pretend you can’t remember. I still recall how impatient

you were. We should visit that vineyard again and reenact some of those memories.”

I stare at her in disbelief. My wife, who has every fucking right to me, is sitting next to me quietly

because she doesn’t want to hurt her sister. Meanwhile, Hannah is purposely making stabs at Raven’s


“Have some fucking respect,” I warn her. “Need I remind you that I’m married? To your sister, no


She shrugs. “It’s just a title and a piece of paper. I don’t give a shit, Ares. We both know that the

second you and I are alone in a room, you’ll forget all about the fact that you’re married. You always


Raven inhales sharply, and I glance at her to find her blinking back tears. She stares ahead, her

expression completely blank, but she can’t hide from me. Fuck.

I rise to my feet and the handful of people on our balcony look up, surprised. “Leave,” I say

simply. “My secretary will find you seats to watch the movie from.”

Everyone stands up, questioning looks on their faces, yet they know better than to utter a word of

complaint. They leave quietly, led out by Dom, but Hannah remains in her seat.

“Get out,” I tell her.


“Are you going to leave on your own two feet, or will you require the help of my bodyguards?”

She rises to her feet, her eyes wide. “Are you serious? You can’t throw me out.”

“Watch me.”

I nod at one of my bodyguards, and Hannah freezes for a moment. “Are you insane?” she asks.

“I’m the lead star of this movie.”

I shrug. “Then I strongly recommend you watch your movie from elsewhere, because you won’t

be watching it here, with my wife and me.”

Raven rises to her feet and places her hand on my arm. “Ares,” she says, her voice soft. “Leave it


I glance at her and wrap my arm around her waist. “No,” I tell her simply, before turning back to

Hannah. “Out.”

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