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Chapter Forty-Seven


Raven has barely spoken a word since we arrived, and I’m worried. She’s been smiling for

photographs and she’s answered every question that’s been thrown at her with humor and grace, but

she’s been acting distant, even though she hasn’t taken her hand out of mine unless she had to.

My heart races as we head up to the private balcony that we’re watching the screening from. I

don’t recall ever being so anxious about someone’s well-being. I never worried much about Hannah,

not even when she acted jealous about any of the actresses under my management, because I always

knew she had nothing to worry about, and I had nothing to feel guilty for.

It’s different with Raven. I need her to be okay, regardless of whether or not her worries are


We take our seats, and I lift our joined hands to my lips, kissing the back of her hand tenderly. She

looks at me, and that look in her eyes hits me straight in my chest. She looks hurt and so fucking sad,

and I have no idea why. All I know is that I must be the reason for it.

I tighten my grip on her hand and lean in to press a kiss to her shoulder, before moving my lips

just below her ear. “What’s going on, baby? Give me a moment of honesty. Tell me why your beautiful

eyes are filled with sorrow.”

She turns her face, her nose brushing against mine. I smirk and tilt my head, stealing a kiss. I

expected her to kiss me back, but instead, she pulls away.

I frown, and she shakes her head. “Raven,” I murmur, gently grabbing her chin to keep her eyes on

me. “What’s going on?”

Her eyes widen as she looks past me, and I have no doubt that Hannah just took her seat right next

to me, but I couldn’t care less. All I care about is the pain in my wife’s eyes.

“Ares,” she whispers, her voice breaking. She leans in, her lips brushing against my ear. “I just…

I don’t want to hurt her. She’s my sister, Ares, and yeah, she’s not been the best version of herself

lately, but I love her. I remember what it felt like to see you with her at these type of events, and I

don’t want her to feel that same kind of pain. But simultaneously… I’m jealous of the way she keeps

looking at you, the photos the two of you kept taking, the interviews you just did together. I’m… I’m

just so jealous, and I hate myself for it.”

My eyes widen, and she pulls away, her cheeks flushed. Fucking hell. This woman. I thought she’d

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