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he says. “What do you think of my wife’s dress? She designed it herself. She designed my suit for me,


The reporter takes his cue and starts to ask about my company, and I can’t help but giggle. He’s so

blatant about the way he’s promoting my company for me. It’s ridiculous, but it’s so incredibly cute.

“Ares, Raven!”

We both tense when we hear Hannah’s voice behind us. She smiles brightly as she walks up to us,

her smile wavering for a moment when she sees the way Ares is holding me. Her eyes settle on my

necklace, and anger flashes through her eyes before she manages to paste her smile back on.

All cameras turn to us, and it takes all of me to paste on a pleasant expression. “Hannah!” the

reporter says. “Congratulations on the release of Cloudy Skies. I can’t wait to see it. I have no doubt

your performance will be phenomenal, as usual.”

She smiles brightly and nods in thanks.

“For years, there were rumors about Ares and you, when in truth, he was dating your sister. Was

that hard for you? I know you denied the rumors multiple times, but they never truly went away. Were

you ever tempted to spill their secrets and admit they were dating?”

Her smile freezes. “As you know, I rarely discuss my private life. Can I please ask that you keep

all questions related to tonight’s premiere?”

The reporter nods and turns to me. “Since it’s rare to see all three of you together, can we have a


Hannah grins and moves to Ares’s free side, her arm wrapping around his waist as she drops her

head to his shoulder. I tense involuntarily even as I smile brightly for the cameras. Much to my relief,

Ares doesn’t wrap his arm around her. Instead, he just leans into me further.

I’m not an insecure person, yet somehow Hannah turns me into some kind of jealous monster. I

don’t want her near Ares. I don’t want to be reminded of the way we got married, and the history they

share. How do I balance wanting to support my sister with the discontentment I feel at the thought of

Ares and her?

“Mr. and Mrs. Windsor,” the reporter says, a pleading expression on her face. “Can we please

have a kiss?”

Hannah’s expression drops for a moment, but Ares grins as he cups my cheek and leans in, his

thumb brushing over my lip for a moment before he lowers his head to mine and kisses me, slowly

and deeply. The crowd goes wild around us, but he doesn’t care. He just continues to kiss me as

though the entire world isn’t watching — as though Hannah isn’t watching.

By the time he pulls away, I’m panting and desperate for more. “Come on,” he whispers. “Let’s

get this movie over with.”

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