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I stare at my wife as she focuses on my face, drawing intently while I allow my eyes to peruse her

body. She’s utter perfection, and it isn’t just her body. It’s everything about her. What would it be like

if she and I truly gave this marriage a chance? Until she uttered those words, it never even occurred to

me that we truly could, that she might genuinely want that with me. All along, she seems to have felt

like she doesn’t stand a chance with me, when it’s me who’s unworthy of her.

I let my hands slide down her waist, to her ass, my fingers kneading, teasing. Her lips fall open

and she looks into my eyes, disarmed. Something flickers through her eyes, and I smile when I

recognize it as desire.

Raven’s gaze roams over my body, pausing on my hard cock. I’m not sure what I expected, but

seeing hurt flash through her eyes wasn’t it.

“Moment of honesty,” she whispers. “Being in this position reminds me of the way I sat in your

lap when I got drunk, and all I can think of is you telling me you’d never want me. I don’t think I ever

told you this, but hearing you say that truly broke my heart. That memory still haunts me, and even

though things are different between us now, my heart still aches each time I think of it. Every once in a

while, I find myself wondering if that was the truth, and everything we’ve got is built on a lie.”

Fuck. I should’ve known that my lies that night would come back to haunt me.

I inhale deeply and pull her tablet out of her hand, throwing it on the sofa. “Will you let me tell

you a secret, Rave?”

She nods hesitantly.

“Dozens of women have sat in my lap throughout the years, for one reason or another, often

unsolicited. You’re the only one I’ve ever reacted to in this way. It isn’t a natural reaction, baby. It’s a

reaction to you, specifically. I just couldn’t admit that last time, so I lied. To both you and myself.”

I cup her face gently, my thumb brushing over her lip. “Let me tell you another secret, wife. I find

you fucking irresistible. The things I want to do to you… fuck.”

She looks at me with such disbelief in her eyes that I can’t help but want to take it all away. I grab

her ass tightly and pull her flush against me, until she’s sitting right on top of my cock, our positions

exactly the same as back then.

“Do you have any idea how badly I wanted to fuck you that night, Rave? You’re the most beautiful

woman I’ve ever seen, and you were sitting in my lap, naked. You were mine for the taking, your

pussy bare and your breasts pressed against my chest. Do you know how many times I’ve replayed

that night in my mind?”

I rotate my hips, pressing my cock against her. “In my fantasies, you’re riding my cock, your tits

bouncing as you take all of me, my name on your lips.”

I slip one hand into her hair and pull her closer, my lips brushing against hers. “Even back then,

you were all I wanted,” I whisper, before kissing her. I tighten my grip on her hair, and she moans,

rotating her hips in my lap. She drives me fucking mad.

I move my hand down her body, until the tips of my fingers trace over the lace that covers her

pussy. She moans into my mouth, and I chuckle as I push the fabric aside.

“Wet,” I groan. “You’re always so wet for me, baby. I love that about you.” I slip a finger into her

while my thumb presses against her clit, and she kisses me harder. The way she moves her hips…

fuck. She’s riding my fucking hand the way I want her to ride my cock.

“Ares,” she moans. “I need you.”

I smirk as I push my sweats down, exposing my cock. “Then take what you want, baby. I’m


She lifts herself up and grabs my cock, her eyes on mine as she sinks down on me. I grit my teeth

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