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miss her playfulness. I only have myself to blame for it. I never should’ve said what I did.

“How was your day?” she asks as she turns back to her tablet, continuing to draw. I’ll never get

used to her asking that question. Hannah never asked. All we’d ever talk about was her work or our

wedding. The only times she’d ask me about my day was when I was working on something for her.

I watch her draw as I tell her about the boring meetings I’ve had and the work I’ve put in for the

merger. She glances up at me every once in a while, nodding along to my stories.

It’s such a peaceful evening. I never knew I craved this at all. I move closer to Raven, until her

thigh brushes against mine. This nightgown of hers doesn’t cover up anything at all, and her body is a

thing of beauty.

Raven looks up at me, her eyes widening when she realizes how close I am. Her gaze drops to my

lips, but then she moves away from me, putting some distance between us. Ever since Hannah showed

up at our house, upset about our wedding photos, she’s been distant. It’s like weeks’ worth of progress

between us disappeared.

I rise to my feet with a sigh, lost in thought as I make my way to our dressing room. My eyes land

on a pair of gray sweatpants and my mind turns back to that night Raven sat in my lap, telling me how

much she likes me in them. I grin to myself as I take off my suit and put on my sweatpants instead,

leaving my torso bare.

When I asked her if she’d give me a chance, she said she would… but she hasn’t. She’s been on

guard, scared to get hurt. I can’t take away all her fears at once — only time can do that. I can,

however, prove how much I want her.

She looks up from her tablet when I walk into the living room and then does a double take, her

eyes widening as her gaze remains glued to my sweats. Fucking hell. Perhaps this was a bad call after

all. If she keeps looking at me like that, I’ll be the one getting seduced.

Raven snaps out of it when I sit down next to her, her cheeks beautifully rosy. There’s something

so innocent about her, and I love it.

“Show me what you’re working on,” I tell her, leaning into her, my chin brushing over her

shoulder. I smirk as I slide my arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

“Ares,” she whispers.

I bite back a smile and look at her innocently. “Hey, do you think you could draw me?”

“Draw you?”

I nod at her tablet. “Yeah. Can you?”

She blushes, but then she nods.

I wrap my hands around her waist, lifting her up, until I’ve got her straddling me the way she did

that night. If I could do that night all over again, I’d give her what she wanted.


I smirk and tighten my grip on her waist. “Draw me a portrait, Rave. I want to see what I look like

in your eyes.”

“I don’t need to be in your lap for that.”

I suppress a smile and shrug. “It’ll be easier for you to see the contours of my face.” The contours

of my face? What kind of bullshit has she got me spouting now?

Raven nods and repositions herself, moving further away, until her ass is perched on my knees.

She grabs her tablet and glances at me, her cheeks stained pink. She looks so fucking beautiful sitting

there like that, her legs spread so I can see her matching red underwear, that long hair of hers flowing

down her body. Fuck. My cock hardens at the mere sight of her, and these sweatpants are doing

nothing to hide my desire.

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