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Chapter Forty-Three


“You haven’t been yourself today,” John says. “Your facial expressions were off during your shoot

this morning. Are you sure you’re fine to walk this show?”

I nod as I play with the hem of my robe. All day, my thoughts have been on Ares’s words. Hearing

him say that he felt trapped broke my heart. This situation isn’t ideal for either of us, but I thought

that… I thought he started to have feelings for me, but now I’m not so sure.

When he took me to Castello Designs and then to Laurier, I thought that was progress for us. Now

I’m wondering if Hannah was right, and he was only trying to do right by me. What Ares considers the

right thing to do isn’t the same as what his heart desires.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I say, trying my best to clear my mind and knowing I won’t be able to. I’m filled

with heartache, shame and regret. Each time I think of the way I measured his body, the outfits I’ve

been wearing around the house… damn it. Maybe I should’ve believed him that day I sat in his lap,

when he told me that he’d never truly want me. I can get his body to react to me, but he’ll never want

me the way he wants Hannah. The memories of everything I’ve done and tried disgust me. I’ve never

been this person. I’ve never forced my affection on anyone else, yet that’s exactly what I’ve been

doing to Ares. Hope made me courageous to the point that I sacrificed my dignity, and what for?

“You’re not fine, Raven.” John places a hand on my shoulder and looks at me with genuine

concern in his eyes. “Are you overwhelmed with work? Have I been scheduling too much in for you?

Or is it something else… is it Windsor? He’s given us complete control over your schedule with just

a few caveats, but you need to tell me if he’s pressuring you in private.”

I look into his eyes, unsure what to even say. It’s been a really long time since I wanted to rely on

someone. The urge to ask him for a hug and cry until my heart stops aching nearly overwhelms me.

“I just didn’t sleep well,” I say eventually, dragging my gaze down as I undo the knot on my robe,

letting it fall open. The designer should be in any minute now to dress me.

“Are you okay, Rave? I’m worried about you. Did Ares Windsor do something to you?”

I force a smile for him and shake my head. “We had an argument, but that’s all it was. I suppose

that’s just what marriage is like, right? It can’t always be perfect.”

John starts to speak but is interrupted when the door opens. We both turn around, expecting the

designer to walk in with the gown I’m supposed to wear, but instead, it’s Ares. He pauses when his

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