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Chapter Forty-Two


Go to her, like you always do. Raven’s words keep resounding through my mind as I walk into the

living room. How do I take away her insecurities? I can’t erase the years’ worth of memories she has

of Hannah and me.


My blood runs cold at the sound of Hannah’s voice, a semblance of guilt settling in the pit of my

stomach. She’s the woman I’ve always loved, yet now I can’t look at her without thinking of Raven.

“Hannah, what are you doing here?”

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes, her expression portraying genuine heartache as she

holds up her phone. “What is this? You kissed her?”

I glance at the wedding photo Raven posted of us, remembering the moment vividly. Everything

about our wedding was fake, but that moment was real, and it was ours.

A tear rolls down Hannah’s cheek and I walk up to her, unsure what to do. She and I have so much

history, and I don’t want to hurt her unnecessarily.

“Han,” I murmur. “Don’t cry, please. It was our wedding day, Hannah.”

“Why?” she asks, her voice breaking. “Why did you have to make everything between you look so

real? Why can’t you just tell everyone that it’s just a marriage of convenience? That it’s nothing more

than a business arrangement?”

I hesitate for a moment, wondering how best to handle her. “You know as well as I do that

Grandma insists we give our marriage a real chance.”

“Ares,” she pleads. “Please don’t tell me you’re really giving your marriage with her a chance?

You two aren’t… you can’t be…”

I’m reminded of the way I pushed my cock into Raven’s mouth just a few moments ago, and guilt

hits me hard. I wanted her with such desperation… I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone more. Not

even Hannah.

“If you do this, you and I can never get back together. Ares, please. Please don’t do anything we

can’t recover from. Please.”

I stare at her, feeling more conflicted than ever before. I never thought I’d share my life with

anyone but her, and even when I married Raven, I thought our marriage would be more of a roommate

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