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I moan, and Ares pushes in further, until he hits the back of my throat. Then he pulls back out, only

to do it all over again, fucking my face the way I wanted him to.

“Look at you,” he groans. “Look at you taking my cock, baby. You’re such a perfect little slut for

me. The whole world thinks you’re this sweet and innocent woman. What would they think if they

knew how much you’re loving the way I’m fucking your face?”

He tightens his grip on my hair and thrust into my mouth harder. “Slide your hand down your body,

right down to your pussy,” he orders, and I obey. “Are you wet for me, baby?”

I nod, never taking my lips off his cock.

“Finger yourself for me, Raven. I want to see you riding your own hand while I fuck your hot little


I suck down on him harder, and he groans, his grip on my hair tightening. “Unless you want me to

shoot my cum all the way down your throat, I advise you to ease off, Wifey.”

I chuckle and swirl my tongue around his cock, teasing him further. He might be fucking my face,

but he’s at my mercy.

“Fuck, Raven. Baby, your mouth is too fucking good.”

I watch as he unravels, his movements faster, rougher. I love how powerful this makes me feel. I

might be the one of my knees, but he’s the one that’s desperate.

Just as I’m sure he’s about to come, loud knocking sounds on the door, and we jump apart, both of

us flustered.


The sound of Hannah’s voice from beyond the door is sobering for both of us, and my stomach

twists painfully. I knew our announcement would make her come running, yet part of me hoped she


“Get dressed,” he says as he rushes through the dressing room, pulling on clothes in a hurry. I

stare at him, still on my knees in a dress I didn’t think he could resist. His gaze drops to me, and guilt

flashes through his eyes.

He kneels in front of me and cups my face, his eyes on mine. “Raven,” he whispers.

I shake my head and look away. “Just go,” I whisper. “Go to her, like you always do.”

I push away from him and walk toward the bathroom, locking the door behind me before I sink

down to the floor, my knees drawn to my chest. It still doesn’t hurt any less. Despite the promises and

the sex, he still goes running the moment he hears her voice.

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