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Chapter Forty-One


I sigh as I turn my phone off. It hasn’t stopped buzzing since our announcement went live, and though

the initial media attention was exciting, it quickly became exhausting. Most gossip pages started to

look into our relationship instantly, but needless to say, they haven’t been able to find anything. How

could they, when our relationship didn’t exist before our wedding day?

I’m worried that if they look hard enough, they’ll find traces of Hannah and Ares’s relationship,

and there’s no doubt that it’ll be shameful for all three of us. I don’t want anyone to find out that this

thing between us isn’t real.

I bite down on my lip as I rummage through our dressing room, needing a distraction. Ares walks

out of the bathroom just as I fish my trusty old measuring tape out of one of my boxes. His eyes widen

when he sees me bent over, on my hands and knees, and the way he bites down on his lip sends a rush

of desire through me. He’s in nothing but a white towel that hangs low on his hips, drops of water

running down his chest.

“Ares,” I say, my voice huskier than I wanted it to be. “Don’t get dressed.”

His eyes flash with desire, and he smiles wickedly.

I hold up my measuring tape and grin at him. “I want to measure you. I’ve got something in mind

that I want to design for our first official event together.”

He lifts his hand to his neck, his gaze heated. “You want to measure me… right now?”

I nod. “Yeah. I prefer to get accurate measurements. It’s not quite the same over clothes, you


“Fine.” He beckons me forward and I approach him nervously. I haven’t taken this much initiative

since the last time I tried it. Every time we sleep together, it’s Ares who initiates it. It’s stupid, but

part of me is still scared he’d reject me again. Realistically, I know he won’t, but somehow my heart

hasn’t healed from the pain he inflicted.

“Lift your arms,” I tell him. My hands tremble as I wrap my measuring tape around his arm, barely

thinking straight. I needed a distraction, and I suppose I got one.

I can feel his gaze burning on my skin and look up nervously to find him staring at me, his eyes

filled with desire. He’s sexy as sin on the worst of days, but right now, standing here in front of me in

just a towel? Delicious.

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