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“But I didn’t even know you were dating him, Raven. How did that happen? How and why did

you hide a relationship with Ares Windsor, of all people?”

This is exactly what I was afraid of. Those that know me well enough to know I’ve been single

for a long time.

I’m spared from having to answer when the door to my dressing room opens. A soft gasp escapes

my lips when Ares walks in, surrounded by six bodyguards.

“Raven,” he says, walking up to me. His hands wrap around my waist, and he pulls me into him,

his lips finding mine. He kisses me as though it’s just me and him in this room, taking his time, teasing

me until I’m breathless. Then he drops his forehead to mine and inhales deeply. “I love the photo you

posted,” he murmurs. “I thought you’d pick a general photo of us, or perhaps something from recent

years, but there was no ambiguity.”

I lean back in his arms to look at him, pure love spreading from my heart. “I’m proud to be your

wife,” I whisper. “Why wouldn’t I want to show you off?”

He leans in, his lips brushing over my ear. “You made my day,” he murmurs. “I’ll have to reward

you later.”

Heat rushes to my cheeks, and I pull away from him a little, suddenly self-conscious. It takes me a

moment to realize that Ares’s bodyguards have their backs turned to us, but John is staring at us with

an expression I can’t quite decipher.

Ares takes a step away from me and wraps his hand around my shoulder as he extends his free

hand toward John. “I’ve seen you around, but we’ve never formally met. I’m Ares Windsor, Raven’s


The two men shake hands, and something about the way John stares at Ares doesn’t sit well with

me. Normally, people in the industry are overly happy to meet him, but John doesn’t seem to be.

“I’m also your new boss,” he says as he pulls his hand away. “Since this agency is such a good fit

for my organisation, I bought it.”

I look up at him in shock. “You what?”

Ares shrugs and leans in. “I thought it would be good for us to own the company you work for.

You can have it, if you want. I’ll sign it over to you, on two conditions.”

“What conditions?”

He smiles and brushes his lip over my ear. “No more campaigns with other men, and you’re no

longer allowed to overwork yourself.”

I stare at him in disbelief, my lips falling open. “Did you buy my entire modeling agency because

you don’t like me shooting with men?”

Ares raises his brows. “So what if I did? I’m your husband. The only hands allowed on your body

are mine. I couldn’t ask you to breach any of your existing contracts, so I bought the company and

canceled every single contract that required you to be even remotely intimate with another man.”

“The penalty to terminate any of my contracts is millions, Ares. Are you insane?”

He pauses for a moment and smiles. “My love, I don’t think you quite realize that your wedding

ring is worth more than the penalty I paid. And either way, it doesn’t matter. There’s nothing I won’t

do for you.”

John clears his throat, and we both tense as we’re suddenly reminded of his presence. “Mr.

Windsor,” he says, his tone terse. “Raven has a shoot in a couple of minutes. We’ll need to head out


Ares tightens his grip on me and shakes his head. “It’s canceled. I’m taking her home.” He turns to

me and smiles apologetically. “The media have already swarmed this building, my love.” Ares tips

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