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Chapter Forty


I smile at my phone as I type out the message accompanying the wedding photo I’m about to post. This

is the one thing I never thought I’d get to have with Ares, but it’s something I’ve always wanted.

Something has changed between us ever since we got married. There used to be an invisible

barrier between us, but it disappeared the moment I walked down that aisle.

This version of him is the one I fell for, so many years ago. He finally feels within reach, and

there’s no way I’m letting this chance pass me by. I love my sister with all my heart, but I won’t

sacrifice another moment of my own happiness for her — not when she had it all and chose to walk


I’m grinning to myself as I post the picture seconds after Ares’s announcement goes live. I picked

a photo of Ares kissing me on our wedding day, and I have no doubt it’ll go viral in no time. Perhaps

it’s playing dirty, a way of increasing the distance between Hannah and him, but I don’t care. I’m done

putting others above myself.

Seconds later, the door to my dressing room opens with such force that it slams into the wall, and

my agent storms in with a distraught expression on his face. “What the fuck is this?” John asks, his

tone panicked. He holds his phone up, showing me the photo I just posted. “You fucking got married?

Married? To Ares Windsor? You got married to the biggest media mogul in the country and you didn’t

even tell me? What the fuck, Rave?”

I should’ve anticipated his reaction, but I’ve been in a daze in the last couple of weeks, not

wanting to step out of the bubble Ares and I were in, too scared I’d wake up and realize it was all a



John glares at me, his bright blue eyes flashing with anger and hurt. It hits me straight in the chest,

and remorse washes away my nonchalance.

“I’m sorry,” I tell him. “It’s not that I didn’t want to invite you,” I promise him. “It’s just that the

guest list was kept incredibly small. Our families are old friends, and well, my mother curated the

guest list on my behalf. I’ve been so busy with work that I… I’m sorry.”

He looks away and shakes his head. “I get it.” His tone is in contrast with his words.

How am I supposed to explain that I would have invited him if it had been my wedding?

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