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Chapter Thirty-Eight


I frown as I scroll through the comments on the last campaign I posted while I walk to the main house.

It’s a simple photo of me holding a bottle of perfume, but it’s got some strange comments. Or rather,

the comments are quite ordinary, but the usernames are all extremely weird.

Iwanttokissravensfoot: is the perfume as sweet as you are?

Fanofthedimplesonravensback: I love the way you’re smiling in this photo. What will it take

for you to look at me the way you look at that bottle of perfume?

Obsessedwithravenssmile: I want to be in your photos too, you know? I’ve never been jealous

of a bottle of perfume before, but I am today. You’ve turned me into a fool.

Iwanttolickravensknee: I want to fuck you with nothing but that perfume on, Rave. Just you on

our bed, my face between your legs, and the subtle scent of perfume in the air.

ravenshusband2409: does that perfume smell like you? If so, I’m buying all available

inventory so I can have a part of you when you aren’t with me… and so no one else can.

Ravenisthequeenofcupcakes: if this was your signature scent, I reckon it’d smells like

cupcakes and sunshine.

ravenismycupcake: you’re so beautiful that it hurts. I’m going to make this photo my phone’s

background so I get to see you smile at me like that all day.

Ravenismywifestayaway: I’m running out of patience. I need everyone to know that you’re


I chuckle as I pull up my messaging app.

Raven: I think my favorite is the “I want to lick Raven’s knee” one. It’s... weirdly unique.

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