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I sigh as I gently brush her hair out of her face, my hand lingering. She’s been so distant lately, and

I fucking miss her. I cup her cheek gently and lean in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. I haven’t

dared to kiss her properly since last time, scared that I’m asking for too much, too soon.

“Come on,” I tell her. “Take a hot shower to relax your muscles, and then I’ll give you a


She hesitates for a moment, but then she nods. She’s been especially distant today. Normally,

she’d text me at least a handful of times throughout the day, but she hasn’t replied to any of my

messages. It’s like that phone call yesterday made her realize that she and I will never be able to

escape the past.

I sigh as I go in search of the oil I know she uses on her body. I need to look into how she got hurt

today. I may have to hire a safety coordinator to check every single one of her sets before she gets



I look up to find Raven standing a few steps away, a white towel wrapped around her. “Come

here,” I tell her, patting the bed. “Lie down.”

Raven lies down on her stomach with her towel still wrapped around her, and my heart starts to

race. What the fuck was I thinking, offering her a massage? I won’t survive having my hands on her

body for that long. This was a stupid idea, but that doesn’t stop me from reaching for the oil.

I kneel beside her and tug on her towel. “Let me move this aside.”

She nods hesitantly as I move her towel lower, exposing her shoulders and upper back. I pause for

a moment before pulling it lower, until it’s bunched around her waist.

I don’t think I’ve ever been quite this nervous about something as simple as a massage. There’s

something about her that I find impossible to resist. When is the last time I was this affected by a


My heart races as I pour some oil onto her back. “Are my hands cold?” I ask as I spread the oil

over her shoulders, kneading gently.

Raven sighs happily. “No, this is perfect.”

I watch her side profile as I move my hands up, massaging the back of her neck with my thumbs,

the tips of my fingers pushing into her scalp.

“Oh God,” she moans. “That’s so good.”

Fucking hell. My cock hardens instantly, and I clench my jaw as I continue to massage her neck,

drawing circles with my thumbs as my nails scrape over her scalp.

“Ares,” she moans, and it takes all of me not to turn her over and kiss her. Fuck. The way she says

my name is unreal. “I love this.”

“Let me move on top of you,” I tell her, positioning my legs on either side of her so I can use more

of my body weight.

She shifts a little underneath me and moves her hands up and out of the way. Damn. Does she

realize that she’s giving me a clear view of the side of her breasts? Fucking hell. Thank fuck she can’t

tell how hard I am.

I move my hands lower, massaging her shoulders and back, taking my time to ease the tension in

her muscles as best as I can. I keep moving slightly down, until my thumbs are pressing into the

dimples on her back.

Fuck. I’d love to hold her just like this as I fuck her from behind, my hands on her hips. I have no

doubt she’d take my cock like a good girl. I want more of her moans. I want my name on her lips as I

push deep inside her.

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